WEEK OF _!.:::: I U:.....-....~..19.~....-_q~r - ----

ECCC holds blood drive for injured students

Burrell , a first-time donor, had to overcome her fear of nee– dles to donate. "Who knows? I might need blood one day, and I'd want it to be there," she said. Vicky McGee, 18, also of For– est, was giving blood because she was a friend of Warren Wal– lace, one of the other students injured in the accident. "I knew Warren Wallace pret– ty well," she said. "I'm really doing this for his family." Not all the students who gave on Friday knew the accident vic– tims. Many were just there because it was a good opportuni– ty to help a good cause. "I didn't know any of the peo– ple m the car accident, but I wa n ted tQ help because they we n t to East Central," said

- : er d1an Star DECATUR - It only takes a ttle to help a lot. East Central Community Col- Ire held a blood drive Fnday to replenish supplies u,.ed by the ,even students injureii m a two– tar accident Oct. 9. i\alhan Russell of Forest, a freshman member of the War– nor football team, died Oct. 11 rom injuries sustained in that tt1dent. It was his mern«H), along th a wish to help hb family, that brought some of the stu– ents to Friday's blood drive. "I'm here becau-.e of Nathan," -aid freshman ~1isty Burrell. 18, of Forest. "I knew hm ecause we worked together at uper \-alu (a grocery store m f•Jre ·t 1."

ECCC freshman Kelly McGnff. 18 of Carthage, turns away while Elaine Eakes gets ready to take her blood.

wm. assistant donor serv1c supervisor. It is not uncommon for Um ed Blood Services to hold replenishment drive when th IS som e type of accident t uses a lot of their supplies, said.

Nancy Jones, 20, a sophomore from Lake. "It could happen to me, and I'd want people to help." The replenishment drive was conducted by United Blood Ser– VIces of Meridian. Thei r goal was to collect 100 pmts during Friday's visit, sa1d Lynn Good-

ECCC donation

The Serv1ce Co. Inc 1n Meridian recently donated approximately $10,000 of equipment to the air condi– tioning and refngeratiOn technology program at East Central Community College. From left are: Lester Miles, heating and air conditioning instructor; Kelly Vaughn, owner of The Service Co. Inc.; and students in the heat– ing and air conditioning program, Justin Nowell of Louisville, and Fred Summerville and Scott Hatcher, both of Meridian.


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