WEEK OF ---L:: ~~- qt.p -----
3... 7 ppg for EC men; claim two out of three
Bowie averag Lady Warrior
Five-foot freshman guard Suzy Grantham of Canton Academy led 10-6 Holmes with 14 points, while Jamie King of East Holmes Academy added 12. • Holmes men 76, EC 65: The Warriors Jumped to 5-10 with the Jan. 16 loss to Holmes in Decatur. Maurice Bowie led the Warriors with a game-high 27 pomts. Robert Earl Shephard had 14, Freddie Jowers e1ght, Darvis Rasberry six, Maurice Jones four, cal Bobby Viverette four. EC trailed by only one (27-26) at halftime. Holmes improved to I 0-6. • EC women 67, J ones 64: The Lady Warriors had to rally from a 35-25 halftime deficit Thursday in Decatur to improve to 11-5 overall and 4- 1 in the South Division. Melody Reed scored 27 pomts and had 24 rebounds to lead EC. Mona Owens ackled 14 points, Stephanie Houston bad 12, and Pacbasia Thompson and Kim Gentry both had four. After EC had a 59-52 lead with 2:02 remaining trimmed down to 59-58 with six seconds left, Houston made a pair of free throws to force Jones to try a 3- pointer which failed. : Dereta Jones and Michelle Dukes both had 15 points for Jones, while Valeria Snow added I 3. • Jones men 85, EC 63: The Warriors fell to 5-ll overall and 2-3 in the South Division Thursday in Decatur. Jones led 39-28 at halftime. Top scorers for the 15-3 Bobcats were Louis Richardson of Louisville, Kent , with 27 and Antoine Hubbard of Allentown, Pa.,. with 17. EC got·a game-high 32 points from Maurice Bowie, 13 from Robert Earl Shephard, six from Jacob Carr, and four from Darrick Massey.
By MARTY STA.1PER Democrat spon' Mltor
The East Central Communit) CoUec ors were 2-1, while the Warriors " week's basketball action. Six-foot-6 freshman Maurice Bo-,~,"Je averaged 32.7 points in the Wamors' U:rce The Lady Warriors brought an 11-5 into this week, while the Warriors were S The EC .vomen held a -t record m sion, while the Warriors y,·ere :!-3 poor league game at Gulf Coas· • EC women 2, Delgado ors improved to 10-4 with the Jan Decatur as Delgado v. as dow o lO J::sl • Delgado men 106, EC riors had a surpric;ing 52-30 h:lli'UIDe lc.xi ph ins only to have it evaporue 0e Delgado forced overtime with a lacg - then went on to drop EC to 5-9 Maurice Bowte was a bright ~ fiX' be scored a career-high 39 poinb, 22 of
Tbe ~ \\a:ni-
~ came in the first half. Maurice Jones had .!, Fred.::Ee JO'>\ers 13, Gary Butler 11, Robert Earl Sbc!t.rd I m:i Darvis Rasberry scored eight. James Miller had 26 points to lea:! ~·s Dol- phins, wh1le Michael Mims had :!~ Roc:! d Nun- nery added 19. • Holmes women 58, EC 54: 1be Lady War– riors managed just 27 points in ea~h half as the) fell to I0-5 with the Jan. 16loss in Decatur Melody Reed of Forest led EC ,ith 14 points, while Philadelphia's Pachasia Thomp ;on scoo:d ll. Mona Owens had 10, Felicia Brantley aii::d even, and Olivia McDaniel and Kim Gentry both ~ rr.
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