vVEEK OF __ 1_- ....:.;\v:::o.,_-___.( •-s.t.iJL~----

P ge 4Dtrhe Meridian Star/ Wednesday, January 10, 1996

s Ce ral wins

While on the men's >ide Jones beat Bbht.';> 'tate 7!-70 and Ea:-t Cent al dow1ed Mississippi Delta #0-48. The Warriors were only U) by eight, 30-22 Wlth 5:02 remairing in the fir,t half when they "-.ent on a 13-0 run putting them ut by 21,43-22. The Trojans tried to battle back but were unable to stop he Warriors inside eombinationof Maurice Bowie and Fredcie Jowers wh o combined for l3 points. "The key for u, tonight wts that we were able to gtt the bill to Bowie and J o" er:.-. and doni– nate the inside." Warrior coach

Marty Cooper said. ''We are not a very good perimeter shooting team and it is important for us to get the ball inside." East Central held a 22 point lead at the half 47-29. The Trojans fell short in their .attempt to cut into the Warrior lead as they found themselves down by 22 midway through the second half 68-46. "We played horrible but when you are 0-13 then you haven't played very well all year. " Trojan coach John Vickers said. "It is not just one individual we aren't playing well as a team." East Central sailed through the rest of the second half en

DECATUR- Some call it "the pamt-. while others call it "the ane~. but what ever you call it is here most basketball are won d )o;;;t. The East Central Community College Warriors dominated the de u-.ing their superior post '\ to puh erize the Trojans of 1 ~l'"<~PP• Delta Community )age 91-62 at the East tral Tournament. I other mens action Jones mmumty College defeated hop State Community lage 97-78.

two over Miss. Delta. r ute to a 29 point win 91-62.

at the half, 31-24. Sophomore forward Kim JONES 9 7, BI SHOP Gentry took over in the second ST~T~ ~8: Jones came sporting half as she scored 17 of her thetr mside outside tandem of game-high 19 point in the final 'gua.rd ~ntonie Hubbard and 20 minutes. Lows RIChardson who combined The Lady Warriors were able for 45 points as the Bobcats dis– to put away the Lady Troians ,·n mantled the Wildcats as Lhey th ~ won convincingly 97-78. e second half as they cruised to ~ONES (97) - Paul Hartfield 4, the win 70-48. LoUts Rtchardson 29, Antonia Hubbard . ~CCC (70}- Jennifer Alexander 3. 16, Doneshea Mayfield 17 Tony Ohvta McDaniel 6 Melody Reed 16 Kim McKines 9, Derrick Barnett 3, Henderson Ge~try 19, T~ra Hall 4, Mona Owen's 13, Carter 2, Anthony Lancaster 7, DeWayne Chnsty Madtson 2, Felicia Brantley 3 Brown 6, Stacy Comegys 2. Pachasia Thompson 4. ' BISHOP STATE (78)- Anthony MDCC (48)-- Candanoe Johnson 9 Rudolph 2, Antonto Montgan 11 Troy Caren Coleman 5 Twoeka Lacey Moore 14, Eric Wiliams 4, Roscoe 10,Barri Grable 6, Tameka Branch 4. Go,rdan 7 , James Jones 8, Ronald S.haron Buchanan 7, Roseland Wnght 8, Demetrius Thompson 8 Richardson 4, Karen McKnight 3. . Demetri us Kelly 9, Chad Rogers 4 ' .. Darrell Adams 6. · •

Ecce (91r Joe Green 3 Bobby erette 15, Fr~ddie Jowers 13, Maurice -vte 20, Maunce Jones 9, Jason Smith 5 9obert Earl Shephard 6, Darvis • soerry 1, Jason Latham 2, Gary Butler ~acob Carr 2, Darrick Massey 4 0 J tehols 4 ' · · "DCC (62}- Michael Davis 16 "'do O'Neal 2, Sanford Williams 12: - Wtlliams 6, Derrick Davis 2 f{ Brown 2, Frank Harris 4, Jon -s 4. Car1os Webb 9. ECCC 70, MDCC 48: The ':'rojans were down by only 12-7, but that was as close n. • ey would get as the Lady \\ or,- proceeded to go on a 10-_ nu:• and never looked back. . - ~t-.,..ippi Delta trimmed the Ea::,t Cent~a) lead down to seven

APPEARED I. C:\RTHAGI i.~ ·- ---- :\E HOB.-\ OE.\lOC:R.AT___ _ _ :\E\\ -;-o . ~ECORD - - ---- - CL\R10. ·-LEDGER_____



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