WEEK OF ___ ,_~ ___ 'I~....:V: :....---
Miss. Delta spoils EC's opener DECATUR- You couldn't pick nice day to open the college base– ball season, but the East Central Community College Warriors ouJd have liked a different out– come. ECCC opened its season ednesday afternoon hosting Mi... 1ssippi Delta Community eon~ in a doubleheader. The Mississippi Delta Trojans ~great pitching to take a pair ,r' m" from the Warriors by core<: of9-l and 7-2. I saw a lot of good things 'ldn~. pl"•bably the best thing was l I'hisslppi Delta's pitching," ~CC coach Jamie Clark said. We had not been able to get out n( the field for the past six days, n"''e knew we were going to have she problems." ut be Trojans, the defending 23 on 23 champs, came in with Jd rismg 0-3 record. The team fielded was much better than - record would lead you to . \"e Delta dropped three ill- s at Okaloosa-Walton last ~e !nd, but the losses came after straight days offofthe field. at's >t Central returns to action bi,s • at 2 p.m. hosting Alabama 1e s ~m in a single game. s a he first game, freshman left– use · Kenny Estep started for 1 x.as rriors. p struck out the first batter By Gary Myers The Mendian Star
Paula Merritt/The Meridian Star
Miss. Del tas Dexter Wheatly steals third against East Central's Jonathan Jones.
on four pitc&.e, .. things got ::,hak. .A Matt Peeple~, he\\"&.!- d!at!gt'd a balk which ~ed the second. The next bat er Grace, was hit by a pt p:lSsed ball core Peeple=.. Chad Cooper ~ot th T an– first hit, a :;ing1e whiCh d.m;;e m Grace to give Delta a --0 E step camE bac and nd– wiched a ba.;e on b IE be· een two strike out'-. With two on ~e fi De ta m the second, Chad Cooper pounded a homer off the -.coreboard m k!ft centerfield and the Troj~ \\'"ellt on to score fuur ruil5 J ason Latham came m to relieve Estep to open the fnur.h and held the TroJan- at bay through that inning The Warrior: ~• on ihe board
,n the fourth using a Carey Lambert single, a base on balls and a fielder's choice that brought Lambert around to make the score 6-1. The Trojans added one in the fifth and two in the sb.ih to come away with the 9-1 victory. Delta's Mark Estaue pitched a ...trong seven innings for the win, Estep took the\ loss for the Warriors. Cooper lead the Trojans with t "'0 hits and four runs batted in. Delta 240 012 0-9 ECCC 0 0 0 10 0 0 - 1 • Miss. Delta 7, ECCC 2 (sec· ond game): In the second game, East Central's Willis Lally pitched a shutout for four and two thirds innings until Bryan Grace con– nected \vith his one bad pitch for a
three-run home run to centerfield. ECCC had jumped out to the early lead when Nick Dumas scored from third on a Tommy Bost single. Dumas walked, moved to second on a fielder's choice and stole third to get m scoring posi– tion. In the third, Bost came up big again hitting a solo home run to straight-away center. The Warriors were cruising at 2-0 until the Grace homer put the Trojans ahead 3-2. Grace was 3-for-4 and drove in four runs to lead the Trojans. Bost lead the Warriors hitting going 2- for-4 and a one run batted in.
Lally took the loss for ECCC and Steve Young won it for Delta. Delta 0 0 0 0 3 1 3 - 7 ECCC 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 2 -------------------------------
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