WEEK OF _ __.9 _-A/_,__- 9...:....~1"""----

ECCC Warr·ors open at Hoi es

st Central traveh to battle Holmes in its ner Thursday night. lie Coats and his 'lll haYe several rea– ve revenge on their rty-three reason:. to be m the number of points ldogs rang up against r the the Warriors in the pener. going to be a tough e.~ Coats said. "They're a football team and they beat ood last year. It's going to e a great effort for us to win, au=-e they're really tough at ome.'' The Bulldogs were 4-1 at 1ome in 1995, including a 42-40 comeback win oYer East :Mississippi, a game 10 which Holmes once trailed by 28 points. Holmes' only loss at home last season came at the 11ands of Poarl River, a 27-13 \vinner over the Bulldogs. Although the Bulldogs won four of their last five games in 1995, they return only 16 play-


Of tho e soph four play at the o po~ition, - runn .Hiram Elliott and W III and w1de rec Washington and K Shurden ~nll find

back between fre5hm Terrell and Gabe Alaniz On the defen,I\"e Bulldog;; are led b. defen::.ive line of--,.--·-– Robert Gate, Cb Garland Green nil

William,on. At a tion~, fre-.hmen playing time. East Central. by 22 sophomore~ bac sea::.on'.. ~-S ,quad that expcrtence Warrior_ a better u;:; ~we'll be impro son - I'm sure f said. KI won't kno until we play Bu plea:;ed with h

BNtt Duka/Tha Meridian Star Meridian's K evin Blanks and the East Central ar ors open the1r season Thursday at Holmes CC.


•tt , n , the f1rst v;ame, -:o ! want to -.ee both of theJ!l play. CoatR said. -obviously. lf one. IS doing a better job, we'll. go Wl~h that one. But, if poss1ble, I d like to have two quarterbacks that can play equally we~l." All factors cons1dered, including predicted cool temper– atures Coats said he foresees a tight game this year between East Central and Holmes. "I think we've made up ~orne ground on them.'' Coats sald. ~I look for a close, hard-fought game, with the teu:n that makes the fewest m1stakes coming out on top."

developing. If for no other reason than the monotony of fall drills, Coats said his team will be primed to play the Bulldogs. ..We're ready to play some– body besides ourselves," Coats said. "Everybody's looking for– ward to this game - we're about as tired of practicing as we can be." Coats has yet to reach a deci– sion at quarterback, so he said he's not going to make one. Both sophomore Jake Kizziah


CARTHAGINI.Al' and freshman AI Hunt will see NESHOBA DEMI ti.me under center Thursday mght, Coal sa1d. NEWTON RECOlW_ _ ·___ CLARION-LEDGER - ------

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