
WEEK OF _....~..9....~..-t '-l~.......!q~y,'-------

t o s retch streak

than they had last year. Pearl River has a great team and they had to score right at the end to win by the score they did. This will be a real test for us because Northeast has improved." Coats said he figures Northeast vtill be out to get East Central because both programs are not traditionally strong. ~They looked at their sched– ule and saw that they had East Central and Southwest in back– to-hack weeks," Coats said. ~They figure this is a game they can win . We don't get much respect in this league." Northeast runs a one-back offense with three wide receivers, Coats said. But East Central got lots of practice against a similar offense last week against Holmes, which passed almost exclusively in the latter stages of the game. "Northeast passes the ball a

By Creg Stephenson


game" nO'\\ Coat, and team tore t h owever t Northeast Co

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lot out of that one-back forma- WarriOrS tion," Coats said. "But HolmcH passed almost every play of the ::::ontinued from page 10

Warriors will try to open th1 up this week, he said ''We need to score m

second half from the shotgun. points.'' Coats said. "Our offe Our pass defense got plenty of Holmes.. inclucing when -..afety has to get it in gear. We had work last week so they'll be Joey Pmkston returned an rible field position in the ~:ero ready." ' nlerception 67 yard-: for a h_alf and we played it con e But Coats isn't worried about .ouchdown. t1ve on offense. You can his defense. The ECCC stop unit "The.,defense p_lay;d extrem~- something stupid and tum made several big plays against Y well. Coats sa1d. They left 1t ball O\·er when vou :.tart o ~~----.=....:--'::.__--=---- 1ll on the field. It would be hard your own 10-ya'rd hne and See Warriors, Page 50 o single anyone out. It wa-.. ju-..t only have a J.3-point lead

an outstandmg effort by the puts your defeno;:e in a hole entire defensive team." . hope we can loosen our ofli ECCC kicker Shaun \\ Coats said the\Warriors· specml injured his knee on a ktckoff teams play was not up to par 1, out indefinitely. Abo li t and the offense had trouble ...cor- Mvery doubtful'; by Coat ing points. ...tarting running backs D "We had some breakdown,.. in Reed (,-trained Achilleo;: te the kicking game," Coat. said . and Steve Bradford deep "Our kicker got hurt and brui.;e), who "Cored couldn't kick field goals. We had Warriors' lone offenSl\C a punt blocked and mts:-ed a down last week. short field goaL We should ha~e "Walker's injury i:- k1 had 17 or 21 points at the half. sprain,'' Coats said. "lf he , As it was, we only had 13, and we don't know who y; 1 that left them in the game." We've been trying peop Coats said the special team, this week and we mn) problems made him \\ ary of take someone off one openmg up.-his oiTense. Instead mtramural team he decided to run the bnll and Bradford and Reed h k i11 time off t he clock Th,.. ticed thts week." SCOTI COUNTY TIMES ------ UNION APPEAL.____ _ WINSTON COUNTY~RNAL. ___ MERIDIAN STAR.--l::L_;__ _ _ The other areas of the game up this week." did not fare as well, however.



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