rr1ors move
Wl1~n "VIC
JH:CATUR - It took what coach Willie "'l'<.•nny" Coats described as a total-team effort, but the East Central Community College , 1 Warriors did manage to escape with a 20-17 victo– ry over visiti ng Ttawamba Indians Thursday 1 • 1 night, and improve to 4-0 on the season. "J'm real pleased with the effort from all of our guys," Coals said. "[t's a team game with offense, dt•ft•mw nnd spcctal learns all contributing, and l.m!ight t•vt·rybody contributed in some way." Coats wns right on lh<' mark when he said it u.. wa~:; u total lt•arn d'fort. 'rh e offense produced 0 when it, had to, tlw opporturm;lic defense stood its ~ r:round and Hct up OIH~ :~con• with an interception, 1-LJ <-Lnd the spectal t<•am blockt~d a punt which led to 1-LJ the winning touchdown. ~ This marks the first tinw th<• Warriors have l artcd with a perfect, record since the 1983 cam– paign when they began 5-0 and finished 6-3-1. It is also the most games East Central has won ince turning in back-to-hack four-win seasons in I!.IHO and 1991. When adding to last year's 2-0 fin– :i$h. the Warriors now have a six-game winning l•t•uk for the first time since 1948, when they wnn riix in a row during the course of the year. I•:CGC's best season ever was recorded in 1939 at lfHI, l'ho two teams battled toe-to-toe for the first 13 lll ''"'l oa nf the contest until East Central's Steve IIHHIIind, who led the team in rushing with 103 lfil'l '" 1 1·1 <'nrdes, burst off left-guard and ram- h•fl rH1 ,)'ltl'lh>l fm• u IHIH'O ut the 2:04 mark of the first period. h111111 Wnll\••r', kick gave the Warriors a 7-0 lead. hvo MOfiOM lul
ndous d~~·fc•nsive play right bef?re the East Central 's Steve Bradford fights for yarda l!'fHIJ! tU!Ini .Y l
ttluy l11tor, qu nrtt1rback Jack Kazziah li~cl out. of tho Jll)<'kd nnd scampered the ' nwlto l.lu) H111m 13·3 at intermission. kl'l wid!' t,•ft IH nn lt, the lnd i:111S t·umc out and cl d11W11 t l11• fitlld, mnrch1ng 79 rnur jJifiYR . Aftn·· 1111 incompktwn, hln tiol!l tltlf'{' pUllfU!tl. 'l'lw Itt t one flO 1'1\11 IhruuHh numc•row'l
lt11 Wily, !\•1 (I c•l ti~yanl tiCUI'II\j~ I llw IH•IIit. nlr•~ ··, 1;11ltuw tho II h ld: l (l llllllllilli llg Ill
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