akes pair from
Co-Lin, State splits
From combined reports Ea:st Central Communtl\ College's Warrior,., continued their winning Y.ay.... 'aturda) a!; they swept a twmbJII from home– standing Copiah Lincoln. The Warriors have no" put together a 3-game win streak. all three in leagut' play. to imprm:t 8-7 overall. ECCC has also nO\\ won five of their last s1x contestl'. In the first game. the Warnors overcame .1 5-4 defiCJl to capture a 9-5 victory. Trailmg 5-4 in lht' :-eventh inmng, Brandon WiJhams Jed off the fr ame with a double before Louisville product Ra\ h·y canw on and drilled a two-out double to unload the bases us the• Warriors exploded for five unan– swered pomts to cla1m the win. Kenny Estep. now 4-2. struck– out three and gave up six hits to cla im t he v ictorv for ECCC, while Kerrv Lambert led the Warrior eight-hit attack w1th a pair of s ingles. In the n ightcap, t he Warr ior:;' .J onathan Crowe broke open a scoreless contest with a two-run single in the fifth inning on ECCC's \\ay to a 6-1 division win. Willis Lalley, now 3-2. went the di~ta nce for the Warriors wh ile fanning six and allowing seve n h its. Greg McBride. a Newton graduate, had a double fo r the Warriors. Next action for the \\'arrior-. will come Thursd College Baseball • Florida 10-4, Mississipp St 0-7: Brian Clark and Brat Freeman each hit RBI singles i1 the eighth inning a~ l\1ississipp <.. e earned a doubleheude1 spill by beating Flonda 7-4 ir the second game or ll .;;, llthea~tern Conference base· ball series. Flotida !14-5. l-ll. which Mw its five-game winning streak bro– ken by that loss, won the first game 10-0. In the second game, E~ic DuBose 1:3-0l struck out 10 to earn the complete-game \'ictory for .i\llsstssippi State IR-5, 11 1 .• The Florida Gaton.' .Josh Fogg (2-lJ took the loss for the second game. In the first game, Chris Chism and Eric Castaldo (•ach hH two-run homers and Tomnw Brewer 14-01 pitched a fivt•-hi't "hutout Keith Oilgard 10-2l took the loss. • Ba ylor 6 , Southern Miss 5: The Ba\'lor Bears got a p.1 of unearned runs 1 n th(.• top of the ninth inning Saturday to s(~al ,a 6-5 victory frotJ! Southt·rn ~Ii,.,s, The lo:-;s for thl' Golden Eagles I 9-41 snapped n 16-game home winning streak. dating ba£~ to last season. Baylor tmprovt·d to 10·7 with the VICtory The Bears struck for a pa11· of run!'\ in the eighth 1nn ing Qff Hl'ath Cantrelle t2-l 1 to clo!'-e what had heen a 5-2 deficit to !). i APPEARED IN: SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_______ UNION APPEAL.___ _ ___ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_ _ _ MERIDIAN STAR.__ -v_______ CARTHAGINIAN_________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_--,.--__ NEWTON RECORD_________ ClARION-LEDGER;.__-------
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