WEEK 0 F __ l o_-..-.1 10--._- '1......,/.i"'--- ---
ast Central ba ties Gulf Coast
they just don't know it. They're starting to learn that when we tell t hem to play exciting foot– ball, we don't mean we want the oth er team jumping up and down." But don 't let Wright fool you , the Bulldogs are extremely tal– ented in the skill position. The MGCCC offensive a ttack begins with qua rterba ck Kelvin Rob inson , a fr es hma n from Mobil e. Robinson is second in the s tate in passing with 1,137 yards. He has completed 53 per– cen t of hi s pas s es and h as thrown fi ve touchdowns. He has two top-notch targets in Denison Rob in so n (32 rece ption s, 487 yards) and Jason McGill (18- 230!. Tailback Reginald Hunter leads the state with 783 yards rushing and is second with 10 touchdowns. Of cour se, t he Bulldogs will be attempting to move the foot– bal l agai nst a n East Ce ntral stop unit that is first in the s tate m total defense (198.6 yards per game allowed ), !first in rushing defense (91.8 yards per game),
to Perkinston to take on Gulf Coast (2-4, 2-1 ). lGckoff is set for 3 p.m. "We're starting to thmk about football again, but we're still a little flat. understandably," ECCC head coach Wi11ie Tenny' Coats said. "It's as if we had an open date. Sometimes they're good for you, sometimes they're bad. But we'd been play– ing such good football that miss– ing playing last week hurt us from a football standpoint." Gulf Coast has also been play well of late under first-year head coach Steve Wright, who joined the Bulldogs from Jones after last season. The Bulldogs have won two of their last three, with division wins over Pearl River and .Jones. "We play very hard, maybe even over· our heads ," s ai d Wrig h t . whose ligh t -hear ted approach differs from the busi– ness-like demeanor of most foot– ball coaches. "We've got gaping holes in certain places on our team and we're filling them with kids who don't have any talent,
tied for first in scormg defen– (12 points per game! dOd fourti in pass defense <106.8 yard, pel game). Sophomore safety Joe_ Pinkston is tied fo r second 10 s tate with four inte rcept10n.: while linebackers Kemba Bnant and Dejuan Clark are tou r d : and fifth in the s tate in tack!= with 45 and 43. respectiv£,Jy. "There i s no we akne ;,:: u their defense, from the line ba to the secondary," Wright ...aui "I t ried to get Tenny to let m play with 13 players, but he sat we could only use 12.'' If all the matchups result in 2 standoff between the two team, Wrigh t said he mi ght ha,·e t use his trump card. ''I'm much better looking thar Tenny," Wri gh t sa id . ' Tha• ought t o be worth seve n to I points."
tough nine days for ntrnl Community ball team. 9 \\hen the Warriors ng the final touches parat10n for a home– ;o. dO\\ n with unde– d the team received n freshman safety R ... ell and other ECCC " re ~eriously injured ccident. J 18 of Forest. died t B ptt~l Hospital in due to ma:ssive head The Warriors postponed \\lth Hinds until the e eason and ~pent the d grteving for Russell, lly nt his funeral and m pr ivate. t nt they have properly th<' memory of their mmatt•, it is time for • rnors to play football East Central (fi-0, 1-0 in h On ision 1 l{et back into aturday with a road trip
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