EC blows out Jones, 45-26; goes to Co-Lin
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ma City, F I a . , freshman, Kizziah connected w i I h Horace Na!>h on a IS-yard s 1.: orin l! ~ J .r .1 k e with 7 49 to go 111 the f1 rst period. S h a u n Walker 's PAT was w i d e right
~©©© [1..(9&@1@(?§ Rushing Att.-Yds Mack Pittman 19-179 Steven Bradford 10· 45 Passing Att.-Comp.-Yds Jake Krzziah 8·12-177 Receiving Catch-Yds Horace Nash 3-63 T1mmy Livingston 2-59 Undeon Hardy 1·35 Total Tackles Dejuan Clark 11 Kemba Bryant 9 William Johnson 9 Kendrick Clancy 7 Kenny KeJiy 7 Joey Ptnkston 7
By MARTY STAMPER Democrat sports editor
East Central Community College spotted Jones a 14-0 lead in the first five minutes of Thursday's South Divis1on contel>t in Decatur before rolling to 45·26 win. In winning ...---------.
1-L. 0 ~ I-Ll I-Ll ~
their ninth .straight ~amc for only the second time iro school histiH) !he 'Narriorl> impn,,·ctl n, 7-0 overall Jones scored first when Randy Chappell pid,cd oil a Jake Kiuiah pass and returned it 40 yards with 12: 16 left in the first quarter. Less than two minutes later, Chappell fell on a blocked Warrior punt in the end 1onc as the Bohcats led the eighth ran ked Warriors 14-0. "I think that wa~ a good measur– ing stick of our team:· Coats said. "They d1dn 't get fru-.trated and they diLn't panic They conti nued with our game plan. "I th1nk 1f they had been ahead 21-0 we would ha\'C still had the confidence th.ll we were gotng to come back and win the game. That's one of the big differences in our team thl'i year' Mack Pittman 'P.trked the come– back with a kickolt return to the EC 41. A fter a 30-y .ml 11111 by the Puna- Pittman scored on a 19-yard run one play after Neal Keeton recovered a Jones fumble. A two-point pass was no good as Jones led 14-12 with 6:52 still showing in the lirst period. Ashanti Webb gave EC the l ead for good when he blocked a Ben Graves' punt and returned it 15 yard~ with 5:03 Logo in the first quarter. A two-point try was unsucccs\ful. "That blocked punt was a big play for us," Coats said. Pittman scored on a 3-yard , un with I 0: 15 remaining in the second quarter. A big play on that drive wa-. a 30-yard pass from K in.1ah to Timmy Livingston that carried to the JCJC 31. Pittman added a 26-yard touch– down gallop with I :04 to go bel ore intermission. Walker's PAT gave the EC's Mack Pittman (9) goes over the block of tight end Undeon Hardy (83) to score on a 3-yard rur the Warriors' 45-26 win over Jones. Pittman had three touchdowns <1~ EC improved to 7-0. "If we can beat Jones 45-26 ; lcel like we've played ragged, tl we've come a long way." EC travels to Wesson Thurs• night to take on Copiah-Lincoln i 1\c.y South Division matchup. 1 Wohc~ are 4-1 in the South (los to Hinds) and 6-2 o'erall. The Wo1 ves • strength i s th quick defense. Co·Lin took a 17-13 win last) and has a 31-17-3 lead in the serie Kid:otT is set for 7 p.m. The game may be heard o \VSSI FM 98.3. ~ cJ z z u reception on the drive. P.T. Jones tallied for Jone'> on a 5 yard run with 2:24 remaming. EC had 434 total yards. 257 ru-;h ing and 177 passing. Pittman fin ished with 179 yard!> on 19 carncs. Kizziah completed 8 uf 12 pa... st•.s lor 177 yards. Jones had I X6 total y;uds. 1·16 ot which came on thi.~ g1ound "The dl'lt'IISl! pl.1ycd really good exCl'pt li>l tJW l:t~t lillll~ Wht'll till'.) !'Ot tlh: hail \d11:11 Wl: !)Ill I aggcd,' < 11.11 s.tirl "UI Cfllll sc: Wl h.ul a lut Warrior\ a 32-14 lead. The Warriors opened the second hall with a 65-yard drive capped by a 35 yard p
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