
EC takes 20-14 win at Co-Lin in 2 OTs

only to have EC'l! J o e y Pinkston ma~e the dcfcnsi ve play of the game on first– an d-goa l at the 4. Ptnkston st ripped Ronnel I McDaniel at the I a n d recovered

By MARTY STAMPER I )(•mocrat sports editor



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:..1uch like "The Natun.: Boy" Rtc Flair, the East Ccntrnl Commu nity College WaHiot s showet.l they were willing to go all mght Inn~ 1f that\ what it took to daim <1 vu.tory. Playing the ..–

Mack Pi)tman 30-191 Steven Bradford 16- 72 AI Hunt 1- 35 Passing AH.-Comp.·Yds Jake Kizziah 1-9-12 Receiving Catch-Yds Darrell Reed 1-12 Total Tackles Oejuan Clark 13 Kemba Bryant 13 Xav•er Thomas 9 Joey Pinkslon 8 Jeff Rowell 8

longest gJmc in school his tory. ECCC d aimed a 20 14 double

overt unc wm over Copiah L tncoln Thursd.ty night 111 \Vcs~on

EC sophomore running back Jake Kizziah finds running •'room in recent win over Jones. The 8·0 2 nationally-ranked Warriors host Southwest Thursday nigh the extra point.

In cxtendmg the1r win :.treak to I0 fot only the second t ime 1n school htstory, EC improved to 8-0 overall and 4-0 in the South DI VI– sion Co· Lilt !'ell to 6-3 and 4-2. Mack Pillman scored the game– \.\ inn1tlg points on a 4:-y:mJ run· in the se-cond ovchimc perio(l. Pillma n rushed fo r 191 yards agatnst the Wolves on JO carnes. For the year. the freshma n from Panama Clly, Fla.. ha:o. ru)thed for 1 ,02.~ yards Havang first possessu :1, Co- Ltn thrcatenct.l in thl' second overtime

the loose ball to pre~erve a 14- 14 lie. Five plays later, Pittman scored the game-winner. EC had two chances to take the win earlier, but Shaun Walke r n11sset.l a 38-yard field in the fir!>t overtime and a 39-yarder on the next-to-last play of regulation. McDaniel accounted for the only touchdown in the first half as he -.cored on a 35-yard run wtth 3: 17 remaining in the second qunrter fol– lowing a Warrior fumble on the pre– VIOUS play. Damien Rosselli k1c~cd

recoveries and one intercepti Pinkston's five interceptions led state prior to the contest. EC , ranked seventh in I week's NJCAA poll, hosts S01 west Thursday at 6:30 p.m. be closing out against Hinds in Dec on Nov. 16. Southwest slumpe• 3-6 overall and 1-4 in the divi with last week's 35-10 loss to Jo EC has a 27- 19-4 series r over Southwest following last yt 24-14 win in Decatur.

Todd Davi s to cap H yard drive Rossett i' overtime. EC had 1 12 ru~hlllg attempts and added through the atr. Co-Lin had 167 )'lj' t«.h on the ground and 94 through I )l~ air. DeJuan Clark nnd Kcllllba Bryant both had I' tad.k!> to I~Jd the War-

EC drew even with 6:36 remain– ing in the third quarter on a 16-yard wn by Steven Bradford. Walker booted the PAT. The drive covered 50 yards. Pillman got loose from the Wolves at the Co-Lin 20 for a 34- yard touchdown run with 13:06 left in regulation. Walker again added the extra point. With 4:21 remaining, Tim Hogue threw a 3-yard touchdown pass to

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