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ECCC DIA.'\iO. :0 WARRIORS - These student athletes from Newton County are members of the East Central Community College baseball team for the 1996 campaign. From left are sophomore pitcher Joey R.gdon of Decatur, freshman infielder Freddie Gentry of Hickory and sophomore outfielder Greg ~icBride of ~ewton. The Diamond Warriors are coached by Jamie Clark (head) and David Martin bsstittnu. (EC Photo)
ECCC INFIELDERS - Infielders on the East Central Community College baseball team for the 1996 APP season include (kneeling from left) Cary Lambert of Gonzales, LA; Nick Dumas of Chatom, AL; Freddie Gentry, Hickory; and Jay McLendon, Belzon i; and (standing, from left) Jonathan Jones, Ci Philadelphia; Ray Ivy, Louisville; Eric Butler, Oarkdale; Eric Cook, Carthage; and Jonathan Crowe, Nl Cleveland. The Diamond Warriors are led by head coach Jamie Clark and assistant David Martin. (EC N ffiPftJN KEC U 1UJ / n u" oJ .&. v 1 " '-''-' '·.n .. .. • , -
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