WEEK OF Cf-11 ~ q ~ Money-saving symposium originates
State Auditor Steve Patterson recently went back to school for a day. His role: teacher. The . subject: saving taxpayers' money. The location: East Cen– tral Community College in Decatur. Patterson utilized the Com– munity College Network (CCN) to make a point about the focus of a day-long symposium he arranged for justice department employees. The symposium ori– ginated· from the CCN site at East Central. '
The purpose of the sympo– sium was to teach employees of the justice department methods and procedures that could be useful in saving tax money in the operation of justice courts. Dr. Eddie M. Smith, ECCC president, welcomed justice from CCN site at ECCC
Dr. Eddie M. Smith, president of ECCC, ~ddresses the attendees of a justice department employee symposium at the ECCC site one of eight sites that participated in the symposium. '
department employees to the ing costing upwards of $30,000 of operation, state firefighters, ECCC site and seven other for participants to travel to Mississippi Power and Light community college sites across Jackson, the probable tab is employees and public school the state. Patterson, who spoke only around $3,000." teachers and administrators from an interactive classroom at Curtis Kynerd, of the State have benefited by upgrade and ECCC, reached. an estimated Board for Community and certification classes taught from 400 state ·justice department Junior Colleges, which has a single location without hav- employees at eight locations 1 ing to travel great distances. over the statewide network. administered CCN since March Also, many adult community ''This will be a constructive 1 of this year, gave opening residents ~ave ben_efited with session, which I think you will remarks about the history and Adult Baste Education .classes. enjoy," Patterson told the sym- future of the network. Kynerd Represen tatives outlined posium attendees. "'t's going to said the network has the poten- plans for expanded use of the be about money-:.aving mea- tia1 to develop to the point that network, including the dedica– sures, beginning with the sav- it can reach every area of the tion of space for additional ings brought about by the state. interactive classrooms. Community College Network." Throughout the day, rep- Dr. Barry Mellinger, presi- resentatives of the eight college dent of "Mississippi Gulf Coast network sites in use for the Community College, speaking symposium had the opporturii– APPEAR.EI on behalf of the Community ty to speak about their toea- College President's Association, tions' use of, and plans for, the CARTHJ said, "Instead of today's meet- network. In its first two years COUNTY TIMES NESHOBA DEMOCRAT~/____ UNION APPEAL.___ ===----
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