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ECCC to host free workshop The East Central Community College Small Business Development Center will sponsor a workshop titled, "Small Busines Adm inistration (SBA) Lenders Roundtable Workshop," on Monday, September 23, 1996. The workshop will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the Ov1d S. Vickers Fine Arts Center on the ECCC Decatur Campus. The workshop will focus on how to ~emain updated on various changes 10 SBA programs and how to obtain answers to questions related to SBA qualifications and programs available. The Workshop i!. free to any– one interested in attending and hor~ d' oeuvres will be served AJI bankers in the ECCC SBDC Distric t which includes Jasper. Leake, Nesboba, Newton, Scott, Smith and Winston counties: lend– ing institutes and anyone ha\ ing a general interest are- encouraged to attend. The presenter ""111 be Ronald B Westbrook, ECCC Small Business Development Center director Pleas reserve your space before September 20 by contacting Virgie Thame , ECCC Small Bu mess Development Cemer. Decatur, M1 . 393T . 601} 635-21 J I , ext. :!96, be(\\een a.m. and 4:30p.m.
HOUGE DIR. OF EC ALUMNI AFFAIRS Larry Hogue of Flowood was recently named Director of Development and Alumni Relations at East Central Community College in Decatur, announced Dr. Eddie M. Smith, College president. In this new position, Hogue will be responsible for coordi nating a ll functions relat– ed to the goals and purposes of the ECCC Foundation, lnc., and the College's Alumni Association. "I'm delighted to be part of one of Mississippi 's fastest growing community col– leges. Explosive g:rowth means new demands on school facilities, and it's great to play a small role in helping meet those needs," Hogue said. Hogue, who began his new duties on September 2, pre– viously served as Senior Community Relations Specialist at Entergy Corporation in Jackson. He was previously employed with the Mississippi State Department of Education, first serving as Public Relations Coordinator, Vocational– Technical Division, and later as Public Relations Director. He began his career as a teacher in the Biloxi schools, then served as Public Relations Director at Copiah-Lincoln Commumh College in Wesson for thre~ In all, Rogue has o'er 32 ) ears experience in the fields of busine' , go' eroment, and edu– cation.
DEREK PACE .lQINS STAFF AT Ec Derek Pace of Philadelphia "as recently named Assistant Director for Technology Management at East Central Community College in Decatur, announced Dr. Eddie M. Smith, College presideQ.t. _ Pace, who began his new duties on J uly 22, 1996, previ– ou,ly served as data processing manager at Peco Foods of Mississippi, LLC, in Sebastopol. . He a lso held similar posi- tions a t Hughes Aircraft of Mississippi, Inc., in Forest ; Green Acres Farms, Inc., in Sebastopol; and DataCenter Sy <;lems located in Jackson. A g raduate of Lake Attendance Center, be attended Ea I Central Community College and t he University of Southern tississippi, where be recen ed a bachelor 's of science de2ree in computer science/data proce c;in~. Pace i married to the fo r– mer Patt) Calver t of Philadelphia "bois employed at NationaJ Bank of Comme~ in Philadelph ia. The\ ba\ e an infant on, BeDjamj;._
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