he 'J J-1994, rhc '>..:hcJOI rhrough
~me or llS drama1ic growth. An alumnus of lhe rkcatur 1wo-ycar col– lege. Hucispelh ,aid recenrly the xhtJOI had about 450 students when he w~ a sru lent !here. About 500 ''ere enrolled ''hen he went on the board in 19CI7. and there were 1.800 .)ludying at ECCC when Hudspcrh R 1~ed from the board this summer. Hud pelh sard he hehcvcs ECCC and rhc orher l\\'0-\{':'lr nlft•qeo; rn !he docs e' Cl) thmg ll can to keep the slU– dem a student... He recalled instances in ''hich ECCC administrators, in the da)" hefore wrdespread federal aid and edu.:arion loan~ drd what was nt.--cc s.'ll; to help students remain in hod a I ondc rn r(.) !>ludcnts and
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