WEEK 0 F __ LJ;_. _ ,_-.;__.:.._i - - - --
P8ul• Merritt/The Meridian Star ltawamba's ..Jacob Bruce beats the throw home to East Central's M1ck Garrity East Central Warrior,s lose a pair to visiting Itawamba
From Staff Reports
do the nght thing:s and East Central continued to struggle as the Indian~ :·mept the Warriors. The indians stole a total of nine ba1'es on the aftemoon and never made an error. .Jn;;:on Lathem, now 1-4, was saddled with the lo. 1n the :;econd contest. "Tht•y just came down here and pretty much showed us who the boss was," ECCC coach Janue Clark said. "The) showed us how the game \\OS to be pla)ed andju::;t t.'Ompletely dom– mated us from :::tart to finish." The Warriors \"l~it Hmcls Community College Thursday at 2 p m for a crucial :South Division doubleheader
East Central Communit) College's Warriors dropped a twinbill to vi:·dting Itawamba Community College Tuesday bv scores of 17-1 and 5-l. In the first contest, the Warriors Jed off the bottom of the first with a bal'c hit but didn't get another one for the remainder of the conte;;t. In the meantime, the lnd1an:- took full advantage of seven East Central mi;;cue.... to put n e game away in five innings. ~larcus Tha~es, now 0-3. wa" handed the loss m the opemng malchup. In t he second game, Itawamba continued to
• __ ,... , 4a.A A. ~.&_,------- W INSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_ _ _ _ MERIDIAN STAR_ __:____
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