Before returning to hi:- alma mater, Lee served as psychol~ instructor at Fayetteville (North Carolina) Technical Commumty College. In addition, he held the position of company commander in the 82D Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, N. C. He currently serves as a unit commander in the Mississippi Army National Guard at Camp Shelby, Miss. In recommending Lee as the new dean, members of the selec– tion committee dPscribed hl' • s the applicant who::;e educatiOnal background, self-motivation, enthusiasm, experience and per– sonality most closely fit the needs of the college." Lee said serving as dean of students is "a dream come true; it is something I have always wanted to do. Being dean of stu– dents is a great honor for me, and I am most appreciative of the opportunity." He is a graduate of Beulah Hubbard High School, East Cen– tral Community College and the University of Southern Miss is– sippi, where he received a bach– elor's degree in Counseling Psy– chology/Social and Rehabilita– tion Services and a master's degree in Counseling Psycholo– gy/Student Affairs. H e is. cur– rently enrolled as a candidate in the Educational Leadership pro– ~m at U.S.M.
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