Baseball and all-star games keep many Many area people are involved in the numerous all-star baseball games going on and some are even participating in various all-star softball and football games. r.rfP~~TS '(£) 06 with Marty Stamper Sabnna Nicholson of Newton The) have an mfant daughter, Jordan. at s why sbe' · caUed lhe i · Olivia McDaniel of Neshoba
Central had a good offensive outing a~ she went 4-for-6 with an RBI in the North's best-of-three series win over the South in the high school girls ail-s tr softball game Saturday at Hinds Co :n– munity College. • All-Star football game Sa t– urday: Domarco Fox. and Micha.el McWilliams of Neshoba Central wtll be reunited with former Rocket head coach Chuck Friend in the 46th-annual ~11 - sissippi High School All-Star Football Game Saturday night at Mississippi College's Robinson-Hale Stadium All three wall be on the North squad. Kick– off is set for 7:30. Tickets are $5 and will be avaalable at the gate. .
And if the thought of football in July sounds awfully hot to you, at least in the Arena Football League you get to play where ats air conditioned. • Four locals named to Star ' s team: Four area baseball players re– ceived honor~ from The Meridian Star. Outfielder Sam White of Neshoba Central batted .395 with 31 RBis ard c;cored 25 runs Unaon outfielder Michael Smith (.3"'5. 5 HR. 33 RBI) was also cho<>en. Chocta~ Central was represented by ftr t b;beman/patcher Johnathan Thomp– son He ~ent 21-for-42 to finish with a .500 battang a"erage. Phaladelphia·' Jamte Ntchols (.407)
was an honorable mention choice. • Former E player turn pr• : Former East Central Community Col– lege shortstop Daniel Landry has signed a baseball contract with the Atlanta Braves and is currently playing with the organization's farm team m West Palm Beach, Fla. EC's 1993 MYP. Landry continued his collegiate career at the University of New Orleans where he batted .341 and htt II home runs in 1995. He baned . 3~ v. ith 13 homer' Ill 199-t Landi} ., mamed to the fonncr
busy; Bridgman' s on ESPN for a total of 229.
Player reported to MC on Monday. Former F.ast Central Community College heOO football com.:h Reese Bridgman was hov. n on the !>idelines several times in the Orlando-Arizona Arena Football League game on July I. The Orlando Predators. with whom Bndgm.mts emplo)ed,lost 49-48 when a tv.o-p01nt comer;mn in the final 30 econds fru ed Orlando and Tampa Bay are tied for the be<;t record tn the lc:ague .,.; ith 6-2 marks. The Predators beat Albany. NY. -6:-3H, thts pa t Saturda~. • Rosamond fin ishes in j un – ior s top tO: Btll Ro amond of Leake Ac.ldCm) tied for ntnth place tn the Mi~si ..stpp1 Golf As.;octauon·s State Juntor Championshtp at M1 ts~ippt State'-. Lakeside Golf Cour-;e n:a:ntl) . Ro,arnond had rounds of 74, 75. land 80
Allen Chancy of Columbus won by I0 strokes \\ ith .1 212. nt n nrs H 1 i cwton' s Jeanna Sant– myer recently signeil n tennis scholar– ship with Eu!!t Central Community College. She played m girls doubles in the state 2A tennis tour:nament the past four years. • ·a Kri APPEARED IN: SCOTT COUNTY TI~E S UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY ..;o:.::<-:;;..:... MERIDIAN STAR CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD CLARION- LEDGER ,7
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