WEEK OF ) I 3, tJs-
Diamond Warriors host
ball under head coach Jamie Clark who ent ers his eighth ~eason at the Warrior helm. This year's squad features 14 returnees from the '94 club which posted a 28-20 overall mark. Coach Clark obviously expects another successful cam– paign from his talent-laden team. "Even though we lost sever al key players due to graduation, I feel we have an outstanding group of sophomores and fresh– men on this year's team. I am especially pleased with the new players and feel all of our recruiting needs were met," he said. One area of possible concern
Suund, of the nauonal pa5- time \\ ill dei'irutely be heard at East Central Community Col– lege where the Diamond War– riors begin sea,on play Friday, Feb. 17. Ea,;t Central ha:. two single games ...cheduled on opening day. a rare 10:30 a.m. contest with Bevill followed by a 3:30 matchup againc::t division oppo– nent Jones County Junior Col– lege. An invitational t ournament i!:.' on tap for the weekend on the Decatur campus and includes Be\-ill, Jones, Wallace State and ECCC in the two-day competi– tion. Fans should once again wit– ness an exciting brand of base- •
for Clark may be the pitching st aff which he has h a d to "rebuild" due to the ~rraduation But Clark expressed confi– dence in returning hurlers Jason Wilkins of Enterprise and Todd Reeves of Newton County. Wilkins, who went 5-4 last year and registered 19 strikeouts in one division game, enters the season as the top-rated starter. Reeves, the only other sopho– more pitcher, is expected to work as a middle reliever. Although he has only two returnees on the mound, Clark said he expects a "big boost" from his freshman pitching staff which he describes as "excel– lent." Staff members include
V'f. ECCC baseball team
Vowell, Philadelphia, Bucky Dav1s, East Chatham, N.Y.; Todd Reeves, Decatur; Dusty Ivy, Hickory; fourth row, Kenyon Gordner, Walnut Grove; Tony Perozo, lake; Justin Schmidt, Carthage; Joey Ridgon, Decatur; Germaine Chombers,~:::S Noxapater; Mark Dov1s, Enterpnse; and fifth row, Tommy Bost, Philadelphia; Brandel Russell, Little Rock; Hank Thoms,~..,..- v-=-=-=-c=i\~:~.;:_ Newton; Cary lambert, Gonzales, La.; Raymond Johnson, Philadelphia, and ..Viii Mcleod, louisville The Diamond---– Warriors are cooched by Jam1e Clark.
Members of the East Central Community Cqllege bose– boll team for the 1995 campaign include, from left, first row, Brooks Bryan, Philadelphia; Chris Ezelle, Union; Mike Ham– mock, Brusly, La.; Shone McGee, Morton; Ron Cook, Carthage, Ricky John, Philadelphia; second row, Chris Bond, Hickory, Kevin Nelson, Clinton; Willis lolly, Breaux Bridge, La.; Chad Ardoin, Hurley; Joson Wilkins, Enterprise; Mitch Covington Denham Springs, lo.; Greg McBride, Newton; th~rd row, Matt Smith, Sidon; Chad lewis, little Rock; Craig
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