East Central starts season by From Staff Reports
team. I am especially pleased with the ne\" players and feel all of our recruiting needs were met.'' he said Thi~ year's squad features 14 returnee::; from the '94 club which posted a 28-20 overall mark. The pitching staff had to be rebmlt, though. All-South Division hurlers Scotty Dumas and reliever David Cox are at William Carey College. Also, Tommy Holland and Jamie Morrow have moved on._ Enterprise native Jason Wilkins is the top-returning starter. Wilken~. who went 5-4 last season, struck out 19 in one game last season. Todd Reeves, the other sophomore pitcher, is slated to be a middle reliever. Although he has only two retw·nees on the mound, Clark said he expects. a "big boost" from his freshman pitching staff which he describe~ as
"excellent." Clark said he's "very pleased" with the talent from his infield, an area that "really needed depth.'' Two first baseman return from last season - Matt Smith of Sidon and Kevin Nelson of Clinton. Smith, who batted .310, is coming off shoulder ::;urger~ and is still not at full strength A .269 hitter last year, Nelson will probably move to another position when Smith b healthy. Battling for the starting job at second base are al::;o two sophomores, Chns Ezelle of Union and Chad Ardoin of Hurley and a transfer from Mary HOlmes. Ezelle batted .269 last season and is expect– ed to be the team's leadoff hit– ter.
Replacement player~ may hear the words "play ball" in major league parks. but the ounds of the national pa-;time will be heard by East Central Community College's best thi:; spring. The Warrior~ had two games ..;cheduled Friday. but they were rained out. ECCC ~v~ to ho::-t Bevill and Jone~ Countv An ~invitational tournament llS on tap for today and Sunda) on the Decatur campus and includes Be,"ill, .Jones, Wallace State and ECCC in the two– day competition. Warrior head coach Jamie Clark. in his eighth season, said he expects another suc– cessful campaign from his tal– ent-laden team. "Even though we lost sever– al key players due to gr adua– tion, I feel we hav.e an out– standing group of sophomores and freshmen on this year's
Returning at shortstop is Ricky John ofNeshoba Central who hit .300 with three home runs last year, John will prob– ably bat ~econd in this season's hosting tourney this weekend could challenge for the short- East Ml111111pp1 stop position, meaning John East Central Baseball Sch8CIUie mac move to third. Baseball Schedule Fet- 18 al Gull ec-t (2) 1p.m. lark said Raymond ~el) 17 eev.a 1030am F 19 at~(2) 130p.m. Johnson of Philadelphia is F«< 17 Jones 3.30p.m Feb 22 Eae1 Centtll ap.m. expected to return at third Feb.IS ecce Tournament Fet> 25 at.Jonee(2) noon base after missing most of Feb. I& ecce Tour<>amen~ Fet> 28 E881Cenlrll 3p.m Feb.22 at Eaon MiSe (&ingle) 3p. Marcll2 MCC 2p.m. 1994 due to a broken jaw suf- Feb. 28 er Eas• M (S10gte) 3pm March 4 at Hinds (2) I p.m. fered in the Itawamba series. March3 Notth!UIII (Single) ~p.m March 5 at Hinds 2p.m. Mafch 4 ltawamba 1pm March 7 at PH11 River 12) !p.m. Three are vying to wear the Marcll'7 al Gill Coast 4p t.larch 9 Gull ec-t (21 lp.m "tools of ignorance" for East MarC'> 9 8o~rPW1$11 3p. t.larch 11 ....,..,.121 1pm March 11 at Pea~ River 1 p.m Macll20 ~(2) 3p.lll. Central, including Will March 16 Three A•v&ro (Stngle; Sp.m. t.larc1122 Della (2) 3p.ll1. McLeod of Louisville, Mike MatCh 17 'Three R1v~r~ lpm March 25 Notlhwell (2) 1p.m. Hammack of Brusly, March 18 Three RMlrt (&Ingle) 1 p Man:ll27 ar eut Cenlnll IIPA Mareh22 Cop.ah·Lnooln 4p March28 ~(2) 3p.m. Louisiana, and Chris Bond of March ~4 Jaekso" St~•e (s.r go 3p. """ , Coahoma(2) 4p.m. Newton County. Bond batted Marcl'l2S at Soutnwcst tpm Apr 2 Copiah·L>nooll\ (2) 2p.m. Marcl'l27 Eru;t MISe (s•nglel 6pm. Apr 5 at Northeast (2) 2p.m. .313 last season. Marcll28 l~a Wetrem. Sp "PP 6 at Bevill Sla!e 7p.m. In the outfield, starting cen- March31 IOwa we~·c 3pm Af1'S Peart R_.(2) 4p.m. Apnll Hone~ lpm ,.,., at llllwemba (2) 2p.m ter fielder Brooks Bryan April 5 Jortes 1 p,ITl Apr 12 atMCC &p.m returns after hittin~ .325 last AprilS Gulf Coast 1 p.tll Apr 14 at Oella (2) 2p.m. season. Clark cal ed Bryan Apnl11 P~arl RNet 4pm. Af1'17 Htnds 3p.m. April I~ &I Co!llllh·llflOO!O 4p.m """ 19 ~12) 3p.m. "one of the best outfielders in Apn\19 Soul~ ... lr.>l 4pm Af1'22 at Homn(2) ,_, the league." Apnl21 at Nort~eu APPE, CA NE NE'
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