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EC Warriors fall to 7-8 with Three Rivers on tap
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Bv MARTY STAMPER Democrat sports editor
a one-hitter and struck out nnw a:-; EC knocked off the previously undc feated Bulldogs in the opener Ken– yon Gardner had a grand slam and Brooks Bryan went 3-for-4 to pace the Warriors. Chris Bond had a single and a double. while Dusty I vey had two singles Gulf Coast look the nightcap behind Doug Thompson's five-hitter. EC's only run came on a second in– ning home run by Kevin Nelson. Ricky John had a pair of singles for the Warriors. Thompson improved to 3-0, while Mitch Covington c 0-2 l took the Joss. BOSSIER PARISH 5-6, ECCC 0-4: The Cavaliers took a pair of games from the Warriors Thursday in De– catur. Michael Whillow tossed a no– hitter for Bossier m the opener. Brandel Russell t0-1) took the loss. Trailing 4-3 in the bottom of the sixth in the nightcap, EC loaded the bases with only one out but was able to score just one run. After theCavaliers took a 6-4 lead in· the top of the eighth, EC had the ty ing run at second base but was unable to come up with the key hit. War rior starter Hank Thoms Cl-1) took the loss, despite holding the defending Region 2.1 runnerup Cava– liers to four runs in 7-plus innings
The East Central Community Col– legeWarriors suffered through a 1-5 week on the baseball diamond last week, but did put a 10-run whipping on previously-undefeated Gulf Coast. Thegood news is that theWarriors have road tr ips to South Division powers Gulf Coast and Pearl River out of the way. The Warriors host the tradition– ally-strong Raiders of Three Rivers in Poplar Bluff, Mo., in a five-game series this weekend. The teams open play Thursday with a single game at 5 p.m. wi th doubleheaders set for 1 p m. on Friday and Saturday. EC takes a 7-8 record into the series. ··our pitching has been very good, but it takes more than that to win and we aren't getting the other things," ECCC head coach Jamie Clark said. EC was no-hit and two-hi t in last week's games and key defensive lapses rc>sulted in one loss. ECCC 10-1, GULF COAST 0-3: The Wanwrs split a South Division doubh•hcader at Perkinston on J\tart'h 11 .Jason Wilkins (3-ll tossed
East Central third basemn.n REi·Y.'.-'.ld• .. f .. Johnson (left) of Philadl:lphm tags out a Bossrer Parish runner in a rundown rn Thursday's second game or n (/ bleheader in Decatur [( rs hostrng Three Arvers of Poplar Bluff, Mo., in a frve-game serrcs, Thursdoy·SIIIrrrll y The Warriors are out to !inap a frve-game losing skid. EC fell to 7·G, while Bossier· ltr Pearl River led 7-0 rn the opener Mitch Covington fell to Q-3 in thE proved to R·!l. _ , before EC's Ron Cook broke up the nightcap ~s the Warriors failed t< PEARL RIVER 7·5. ECCC :t·O: 'l'ht· shutout with a homer in the lop of cross the plate War nors drupp<'d hot h ga lllt:!l ul 11 the seventh. EC stranded 10 runners . \o.uth l>iv is.ion dnuhii'IH'~Hit'r' r~ in the setback Brooks Bryan Cl-2) EC ft'l.lt~?·ll 1>\'~!ra ll and 1-3m l h Poplnn•illc Saturdny. r took the loss. South Drvt!''Wl \1 rtlt tlw two losses •.q ,......,. .._, '-' l fY. I ' ::X: 1.-' rY. •r.: cY. (/') :.'< ~ ,, , ~c 1o1 w . 1 (\ , u r. 7. u (\, ·C
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