WEEK OF 'J ~ C.-'
ECCC OUTFIELDERS • Outfielders on the East Central Community College baseball team for the 1995 campaign Include (front row, from left) Greg McBride of Newton, ron COOk of Carthage, Dusty lvey of Hickory and (back row, from left) Chad Lewis of l.:lt11e rock, Brooks Bryan and Tommy Bost, both of Philadelphia; Justin Schmidt of Carthage and Ken··'ln Gardner of Walnut Grove. The Dia– mondWarriors arecoached byJamieClark. (EC Photo)
ECCC SLUGGERS · expected to provide plenty of offensive power for the East Central Communi College Diamond Warriors this season are (from left) right fielder Tommy Bost and center field Brooks Bryan, both of Philadelphia; left fielder Greg McBride, Newton; first baseman Kevin Nelso Clinton; right fielder Dusty lvey, Hickory; first baseman Kel'lyon Gardner, Walnut Brove; catch Will McLeod, Louisville; and catcher Chris Bond, Hickory. The ECCC squad Is coached by JamI Clark. (EC Photo) -----~~ APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD / CLARION-LEDGER SCOTT COUKTY ::~~~ UNION APPEA:. WINSTON COl::.;_ ·:· _-:_:.~;_!:_ MERID IAN S: .:..?
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