War ·ors sweep Raiders By Albert Crowther The Mendian Star DECATUR - The weather wanned Saturday afternoon. So did the Jl~asl Central Community College baseball team. The Warriors picked up the1r fourth consecutive victory over visiting Three . R~vers Community College, wmmng a 19-15 Rlugfest. Eru;t Central improved to 11- 8 while the Raiders fell to 6-10.
Three Rivers scored first, get– ting three runs in the top of the first inning, thanks in part to a t wo-run home run by A a ron '=:..;;...--------------======~~~.;;;...:~---......,._;;_----'-~==-:..:=:;:;;:;:;..:::..=::...:::.::: NeECCC came back in the bot- ECCC tom of the innin~ and :;cored 1 2 Continued from page 1B runs a<: 16 Wan"Iors went to the-- ---------- plate. . . The Raiders got five runs in the mound for East Central. Bill Collyott (1-21 Ruffered the loss, allowing 11 runs on eight hits in two-thirds of an inning walking only one. ·
RBI. The Raiders \\'ere led b· McCaulcv who was 5-for-6 _: a11 single~ - with three RB South was 3-for-6 with a two run homer. a double. a sing~ and six RBI. Quire was 3-for 4, New was 2-for-4 with a t wd run home run, a :.ingle anc two RBI. ECCC takes the field agaij WedneRday at home at 4 p.m again~t Copiah-Lincoh Community College. Three Rivers ended it~ 12 game road tr1p at 3-9.
. ~on Cook had two ¥ts m the the top of the eighth on two mnmg, a double and smgle, and hits. McCauley blasted a two- two RBI. G dn run single to cut the ECCC "'Cook and (Kenyon) "ar er cad to 19-12. have great bat speed, ECCC The Raide r s scored three coach Jamie Clark said. "Both runs in the top of th e nint h on teams hlt t~e ball well today." a bases-loaded double by The Ratders narrO\':ed the South to get to the fmal score. lead to 12-4 on nn ~BI-smglc by East Cen tral had 19 hits LeRoy McCauley m the top ofand Three Rivers had 13. the second. Joey Rigdon got the win on
Cook led ECCC by going 4- for -5 with a triple. a double, two singles and two RBI. Gardner was 3-for-4 with a home run, two doubles and two RBI. Nelson was 3-for-:1 with a double. two singles and two RBI. Ricky John and Bryan were each 2-for-5 with n double and single. Bryan added three
The Raiders ~: SCOTT COC.'!Y :-::::.:s UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY ~OCR~AL MERIDIAN STAR in the bottom of the inning to !\T increase the score to 19 7. · Brooks Bryan belted a three-run ___ _ double with the bases loaded to spark the scoring. See ECCC, Page 68
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