Doubleheader loss at Southwest dims EC's faint playoff hopes
By MARTY STAMPER Democrat sports ed1tor
after a walk to Kenyon Gardner and a single by Shane McGee forced in Bost with the winning run. John went3-for-4 as the Warriors improved to 13-9. Brooks Bryan got the win in relief to even his record at 2-2. He was also 2-for-4 at the plate. SOUTHWEST 4·6, ECCC 2-1: The Warriors' playoff hopes dimmed considerably with Saturday's double losses at Summit. In the opener, EC led 2-0 through four innings, but a three-run rally in the bottom of the sixth gave the Bears the win. Mitch Covington (Q-4) took the loss. Southwest had nine hits to three for the Warriors. The Bears jumped on Willis Lal– ly 0-l) for three runs in the bottom of the first inning to take the nightcap. Southwest led 6-1 before EC scored twice in the top of the seventh.
The East Central Community Col– lege Warriors fell to 2-6 in the South Division and 13-11 overall as they dropped a pair of games at South– west Saturday after splitting a league twinbill with Copiah-Lincoln earlier in the week. COPIAH·LINCOLN 11·0, ECCC 0·6: The Warriors needed a three-hit shutout from Jason Wilkins In the rughtcap to salvage a split with Co– Lm last Wednesday in Decatur. Wilkins 5-1 l has thrown three of EC's four shutouts this spring. He s truck out six Wolves. Brooks Bryan had a double and a borne run to drive in three runs for tu.e \\'arnors. Ricky John got EC on the score– board \\hen he s ingled home Chad ~m in the bottom of the third. Greg McBride had an RBI-single lhe fourth and Brvan's two-run iiroble ::a' e the Warriors a 4.0 lead. Ardom, Kenyon Gardner, and m Bond each had a single. Brad Han·ille (3-3 · took the loss. The Wol'"es took control of the !ffe-innin,2 opener early, s coring ~: ;e runs m the top of the second
Brooks Bryan of Philadelphia has been onE' of the top hitters at East Central this spring.
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