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East Cent ~ral finds cure in 'T:h:ree Rivers
Bv MARTY STAMPER Democrat soorts editor
ECCC 8·3, THREE RIVERS 0-2: The Warriors got a three hit shutout from Hank Thoms in the opener of I•'riciay's doubleheader sweep. 'I'homs <2-1) struck out nine and walked four in keeping the Missow·i squad off the scoreboard. Brooks Bryan led EC's offense with two singles and a double. Chris r~zclle, Hon Cook, Kenyon Gardner, and Will McLeod each had one single. Brvan had a two-run double in the fi1'St "inning and a one-run single in the fifth; He ended the contest by Urrowing out a Raider at the plate from center field. Handv Jackson< l-2l took the loss. In the nightcap. Chris Bond had a 1 wo-run single in the fourth to erase a 1-0 1!eficit on a home run hy Aaron New of the Haiders New tied the game al2·2 with a solo homer in lhe ~ixth. Cook druve in th'e winnmg run with u douhle in the bottom ol the cventl ns t The East Central Communitv Col lege Warriors broke out ol a· five game losing skid with a four-game sweep of the Three Rivers Raidt•r·s from Poplar Bluff, Mo.. in last week's baseball action. EC improved to 11-8. while Thrl'C Rivers fell to 6-10 on the year and 3-9 on their southern tour that included games with Meridian, ;\luscatinc East Central catcher Will Mcleod tags a Three Rivers runner at the plate for the final out in the Warriors's 8-0 win Friday. Brooks Bryan's throw from center field preserved the shutout. of an inning. Cook went 4-for-5 with two singles, a double, and a triple. ·Gardner v;as 3-for-4 with two doubles to go with his homer. Nelson was 3-for-3 with two singles and a double. Bryan and Ricky John both had a single and a double. LeRoy McCauley had a 5-for-6 afternoon to lead Three Rivers. The Warriors held a 15-6 advan– tage through six frames after a lwo– run single by Kevin Nelson and a solo homer by Kenyon Gardner. A three-run double by Brooks Bry– an in the seventh extended the lead to 1~7. Joey Rigdon <2 Ol got the win, while Bill Collyott (1-2) took the loss • lu gave up 11 runs in only a third c·nmpll'lt' tlw low··gam<' sweep. Hun Cnnk hild .1 Slllgh• and a tlmrhlt• HI tlw llllllllK Inch lVI' in :1 pair· of I'Ull'>. Wht•n yon ~~t·l 1' 1 111 tllC' Ill'S I, 1! l:ikt•:i ll I ttl Ill till' JIIC''ISIII'C' Ofl ," t•:t' t'I);LI: h ,Jhllllt' ('I; II k '4i1 1CI t•:l_~ l1111l t.)lull t•tl till' I(.Utlt •l'" ol :1 tl io•fltl in flu• tup ftl llu tu I w1th twu 'ltlllillll !Ill )' tJ( llllttlht·l ' httlllt IIIII h\' 1\illiil\ N•JW. w <"(. LLl i.U ,_j p,. uzzu p,.
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