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~ ld Ltl :..( Locals exhibiting~art at East"Central
r~OpND Lo~i!;!!.-1 Carson and Raps visited Fleta's daughter and son-in-Jaw. Sara and Ernie Crawford in Marion, Ark. Also visiti ng Sara were her grandchildren. Nathan and N1cky Dunn from Union C ty, Tenn. Jessica and Brad Doyle. her grandchildren who attend Arkansas State were home for spring break so they were able to visit all of Sara's family Steve and Ernie went to Memphis to the I Max. a giant screen theatre which Steve said was awesome The annual Spring Art Exhibit is bei ng held at East Central Community College from April J 1 to May 6. Twelve students w1ll exb1bit, two from Louisville. Marcia Vance and Chris Kemp. Spectal guests from the Red Hills Art Assoc1ation of Louisyille were Dot Depriest. Lucille Baker. Bernice Pearson. Joyce Crawley. Betty Coclc.rell, Carolyn M1tchell, Carol}'n Hisaw, Barbara Howell and Scott Popec.
Dinah Montgomery of Jackson· spent Easter here with her mother, Elaine Montgomery and grandmother, Margaret Brown. Pauline Rhodes will have here children here lor Easter. Tully and Brenda and ch1ldren Melinda and Mary Beth. Her daughter, Mary Ann will also be here. Pauline said she went over to Starkville to 1see Bill and Jewel Flood last week. She said Bill could hardly get about He is in a wheel– chair most of the time. Joyce Crawley:s daughter, Tina Bndges and children, Tisha and Andrew will be home for Easter. Then they will all go to Montgomery. Ala. house huntmg stnce Tina's husband is being transferred from Texas to Montgomery. f On Friday, March 31. Agnes Burrage. Kay eHard, her son, Jeremy and friend Ross Parker, llew to Louisville, Ken to v1s1t Agnes' daugh– ier and son-in-Jaw, Gloria and Leon Walden ~hile there Leon, Jeremy and Ross v1sited I Max and Fort Knox while Agnes, Gloria, and 1' ,~ay shopped. They flew back to Birmingham Sunday and rove ba~k home. Recently Fleta Cagle, Steve, Rebecca
Jennie King's daughter from Atlanta came to see her mother last week. Harold and Mary Rose Moore spent several days in Ridgeland taktng care of granddaugh– ters Jamie Lee and Mary Grace while Ricky and Jackie were in Birmingham for Ricky's annual check up at UAB . He received an excellent report. It has been 10 1/2 years since R1cky's broth er. Jim. gave him one of hh kidneys, thus free ing Ricky from 12 hours a week on a kidney machine to stay alive. He had been doing this for 8 l/2 years before the transplant. The famtly had just returned from a tn p to Gatlinburg and Pidgeon Forge. Tenn. Jamie Lee came in from school one day and said she would like for them to go .on a trip during spring break Ricky said she sounded more like a college student than a kindergartner. There had been a five tnch snow just before they got there. They attended a Dixte Stampede perfor– mance in Pidgeon Forge. Mary Rose said she and the children had nice visits with Patty Hughes and Olen Smith .
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