"She's one o/' those people u·ho looks with lle1 heart. ratlte1 than her eye., ... Thei·e's no end to how JIIIIClt slu ~h'CS "
Nanev Warner
Special photo by Dubby Johnllil e>n Spnnisl1 pnrt·lirr1o .:11 !:nsl Centr~1l ,Community. College in Dec0t~1r St10 uses Marion 11er IEH1UUOOO sktlls to rnt~rpmt for a rnrssronary medrcalto~•n•: whrcJ1.travels to Bol1vra lor o wor)k Su r lc n~arly every qt11er yew l·m tel~. Surles dre.sses the part wtlrlc 111 BoliVIa as part of o Chnsttan m.ts- h a s1onary progrr1'~'' Centml Un1ted Methodrst Church. . __ _ 1
work e c1 on sever al blitz homes construct– ed by Habitat rectpients and volun-
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