EC enters final week of regular season By MARTY STAMPER Democrat sports ed1tor - - The Lad...- Wildcats led -l7-37 at halftime in-a, enemg an earlier 75-66 loss to EC m Decatur.
Brandi Harber had 19, 14 of which came in the second half, to lead EC. Genia Griffin added nine, LaDonna Robinson had eight, J.J. Moorehead -seven, Melody Reed six, Cyntia Ellis four, and Dane Vance three. Holmes 04-8) got 18 points from Mahalia McDonald and 15 each from Allee Demus and Likeesha Roby. Holmes . . . 34 39- 73 ECCC . . . . . . . . 26 52 - 78 HOLMES MEN 75, ECCC 60: The Warriors fell to 9-14 as they dropped Thursday's non-division contest to the 18-4 Bulldogs in Decatur The Warriors trailed 44-24 during the first half before rallying to within 44-34 at halftime. Philip Prince opened the second half with a five-point run to narrow the gap to 44-39 before the Bulldogs pulled away. Prince led EC with 17 points, while J ohnny Mays was a close second with 16. Jamie Suttles added 10 and Darvis Rasberry and Bobby Viver~ ette both scored six. Tim Sanders led Holmes with 19. Holmes. 44 31 - 75 ECCC . . . • • . . . 34 26 - 60
'fhe East Central Community Col– lege Lady Warriors went 1-1 in last week 's basketball action and brought a 16-5 record into the final week of the regular season. The Warriors were o-2 and entered this week at 9-14. East Central will host the South Division tournament, Feb. 13-16 PEARL RIVER WOMEN 93, ECCC 74: The Lady Warriors fell to 7-3 in the South Division and 15-5 overall with the Jan. 30 loss at Poplarville. LaDonna Robinson Jed EC with 20 points. Monica Davis scored 14, J.J. Moorehead nine, Brandi Harber eight, Dane Vance and Wilma Cook– sey both had six, and Melody Reed added four.
Pearl River !H, 184) got 32 points from Elaine Pov.ell and 20 from Caromca Debose. ECCC :V 37 - 74 Pear q,vo;;r 47 46 - 93 PEARL RIVER MEN 85, ECCC 72: The \\'arnors fe.. !'leh nd -15-27 dur– ing the ftrst half as they tell to 2-8 in the South Dhis1on and 9-13 overall. Philip Prince hit four 3-pointers as he led the Wamors "'tth a game– high 27 pomts. Dan'lS Rasberry and Jamie Suttles both had 10. O.J. Mcl'\ichols add :.eo.· n, and Eric Caples six. \'me - · Spencer, Alphon– zo Norman. an~ Bob 1 1v Viverette each had four - Donme John.son led Pearl RIVer (6-4, 14·8 ) with !:!4 points. ECCC 2J 45 - 72 Pearl R•ver . . 45 40 - 85 ECCC WOMeN 78. HOLMES 73: The Lady War,-,ors trailed through– out most ot Thursdav' - non-dtvision contest at Decatur.- but outscored Holmes 27-15 over the final 7·52 to improve to 16-5. Holmes led 34-26 at halftime, but the Lady Warnors racked up 52 points in the ::>econd half. Monica Davis ~cored 20 points and
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