Region 23 Tournament
ECCC bounced from tour ey , Coahotna up et Lady \\ 1 arriors in
quarterfinal By Albert Crowther
CLINTO - The East Central L3 \\ a:rriors' run toward a tnp :t the Junior College .. 'ationa! Tournament came to an end Tuesda-..: East.Centrallo;,t 69-66 to the Lad\ T1gers of Coahoma Communitv College in th e Region 23 Ba,..ketball TournamenL at A.E Wood Coli::eum on the campus of Mis,i_:;sippi College. Ea::;t Central finished its ea:;on with a record of 22-7 and Coahoma improved to 1~-9. The Lady Tiger::; will face Northeast in the semis today at noon. Northea~t beat Mary Holmes 109-81 Tuesday. The Lady Warriors could– n t con t ai n Coahoma's Tanya Norment, who poured in a game-high 35 points. ·we didn't play good defen.:>e and we just got beat." ECCC coach Sammy P ce aid . "We could not throw the ball in the hoop nd we had too man y ers at key times.~ ahoma led bv nine nt, \\ith about" seven te remaining in the Ea--t Central got to three poinU. with 30 =----.-, eft and got posses–
ith 16 , econds t Melodv Reed ranon three- aptred
Paula Merritt/The Merid I East Central's Melody Reed tries to dnve through two Coahoma defenders Tuesdc
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