streak alive 77·58 - gues, who played only 6 minutes the first halfbecause offoul t rouble.
Gilcud had 27. Coahoma 88, Ba•t Central 88: Lastyear's regional champion Lady Warriors came close, but still lost, just a s they did last week in the state final. Coahoma, 18-9, rolled behindTonya Norment with 37 and Latonya Benson 14. East Central, 22-6, had Monica Davis with 19. - Pearl River 78, Coplah•Lin• coin SO: Elaine Powell, as is cus · tomary, set the LadyWildcats' pace .with 31 points and set up a show– down with top-seeded Northwest; Karen Powell and Alberta Travis added 13 each for PR, 23-6. Co-Lin 19-6, had Marianna Reeves v.ith 1~.
Northwest, 21-7, had Shantell At– kins with 20, Pegues 19, Shelia Bates 18 and TracyWallace 12. Holmes, 16- 11, was led by Mahalia McDonald's 16and Latarsha Gray 10. Northeast Ml••· 108, Mary Holme• 81: 'We live or die by the press, but todaywe concentrated on stopping their penetration, driving to the basket," Northeast coach Ricky Ford said. And Mary Holmes missing 31 of 44 free throws didn't hurt. Northeast; 18-10, had Angie Morelock with 22 and Vicky Wyatt 19. For Mary Holmes, 19-8, Glenda
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