I Warriors open at Holmes Saturday I ~ seeking that elusive ~ state championship

With the start of the 1994 season le~s than a week away, member'> of the East Central Community Col– lege baseball team arc focusmg on one objective: winning a Stale championship! Although he ili not one to make such a bold prediction, head coach Jamie Clark does feel "pretty good" about hb team\ chances for another out~tanding season. Clark, who hegins his seventh season when East Central travels to Holrncs Saturday, February 26 for double-header actiun ~Larting at nuon, ~ports an

output is third baseman Shannon Cooley of Hickory, a first team All Stater from Clark dc~bed as "one of the best hitters 10 the State." Cooley has had scholarship o ffers from several colleges and univer– sities, Clark -;aid. Other returnees expected to play leading roles in the the team's suc– cess include outfielder Michael Petyak of Brookhaven, ' outfielder Brandon Gra} and second baseman John Herrington, both of Philadelphia, and third baseman Mark Fanning of H1ckory. Clark said he has an "excellent" group of freshman players who in– clude short stop R1ck) John, out– lielder Brooks Bryan, and pitcher Tommy Holland, all o'f Philadelphia; pitcher Tony Perozo, Lake; second baieman Wi ll McLeod and pitcher Brad Peterson, both of Louisville; pitcher Jason Wilkim, Enterprise; pitcher John Edwards, Mobile, Alabama; cat– cher Chris Bond and outfielder Dusty lvey, both of Hickory; first baseman David Cox, Port Charlotte; Florida; pitcher Mike Hammack, Brusly, Louisiana; pit– cher Todd Reeves, Decatur; short stop Chns Ezelle, Union; first baseman Matt Smith, Sidon; and catcher Chris Estes, Nanih Waiya. Ass1sttng Coach·Clark this ~cason are H;1 jen Cox and former Wat – rior Scott Him~~. Both an: graduatl><: oLWilliam _Car~.

ECCC Diamond Warriors.. . Ready to begin the 1994 campaign are these members of the East Central Community College baseball team who include (seated from left) short stop Ricky John, Philadelphia; second b11-.eman Will McLeod, Louisville; outfielder Michael Petyak, Brookhaven; pitcher Scotty Dumas, Chatom, Alabama; second baseman John Herr– ington, Philadelphia; pitcher David Cox, 1•ort Charlotte, Florida; pitcher Brad Peterson, LouisviUe; outfielder Raymond Johnson, Philadelphia; (kneeling from left) outfielder Ron For– sythe, Clinton; catcher Chris Bond, Hickor) , ou tfielder Brooks Bryan, Philadelphia; pitcher Mike Hammack, Brusly , Louisiana; short stop Chris Ezelle, Union; outfielder Brandon Gray, Philadelphia; pitcher Tony Perozo, Lake; piCt•her Jamie Morrow, Harvey, Louisiana; pitcher Jason Wilkins, Enterprise; and (standing fwm left) firs t baseman Matt Smith, Sidon; first baseman Kevin Nelson, Clinton; pitcher Todd Reeves, Decatur; third baseman Shannon Cooley and outfielder Dusty lvey, both of Hickof}; clltcher Chris Estes, Nanih Waiya; pitcher Tommy Holland, Philadelphia; third baseman Mark Fanning, Hickory; and pitcher John Edwards, Mobile, Alabama. The Diamond Warriors are coached by Jamie Clark (head) and assistants Hayden Cox and Scott Hines. (EC Phow) "'' w ~ .....:1 HH 0::::1 C>

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