Gulf South oustsJones 79-59 in BrLeeBaker Clarion-Ledger StaHWriter west, which had only six players. en route to a 69-42 win.
JUCO PLAYOFFS ings and Ricky Evans 13 each and Rob– ert Wilkerson 10..Jones, 5-20, had Elijah Hobley with li and Orlando Branch 14. Hinds' Lady Eagles led 29-26 at half– time and outscored Gulf Coast 54-23 the second halffor an 83-49 victol) "We broke down offensivelv and de– fensively startmg the 'econd half, after dQing a good job den);ng the ball to (La– tina) Edwards and (Kim) Dent,'" MGC coach Greg Holmes said. ··We're small and all year, ju"t like this one, we've not done well when an opponent gets physi– cal." For Hinds, 20-6. Tracy Steward had 23 points, Edwards Ui, Dt!nt 15 and Angie Minor 11. For Gulf Coast. 12-13, Rox– anne Anderson had 19 and Tamika Walker 12. Ea~t Central's Lady Warriors led 36- 11 at the hall over outmanned South-
"Last time we played itwas44-41 with 12 minutes left before wewon by 18," EC coach Sammy Pace said. "So we wanted to exert ourselves tonight. Late!~. we've been up and down, bul tonight our de– fense was good and the running game got in gear." Lady Bears coach Oliver Young hoped for a better game in the season finale, "but things got out ofhand early when we just couldn't hit our shots. This has been a real hard year.'' East Central, 18-4, was led in scoring by Evelyn Nelson with 16 poims, Carla Leflore 11 and Rena Reed 11. For South– west, 4-17, MeshaeJohnson had 14, Sho– meka Showers 13 and Tonja Brown 11. Next for the Lady Warrior~ will be Hinds Wednesday at 6 p.m. North Division: Coahoma's with– drawal from the North Division tourna– ment brought changes in site, dates and
SUMMIT - Gulf Coast men and Hinds and East Central women survived their South Division quarterfinal battles Monday night in the state junior college playoffs. Today, Pearl River and Hinds men open at 4 p.m. at Horace Holmes Gymna– sium, followed by Copiah-Lincoln and JoneR County women at 6, then Co-Lin and Southwest men at 8. Gulf Coast's Bulldogs put away Jones County for the third time this season, getting a late surge to win 79-59. "Our inconsistency was my concern," MGC coach Bob Weathers said. "Espe– cially after we start 10-1, then after an– other 13 minutes, it's 22-12. "But Jones was inconsistent too, and we did keep it where we could maintain the lead." Gulf Coast, 18-5, spread its scoring. n Bowie had 16 points, Craig Stall-
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