Local students attend leadership conference


These students from Forest High Schoo v.e·e area high school student leaders who attendee • e ~ nuol Leadership Conference held at East Cemro Co College in Decatur. Purpose of the conference s · :: nize student leaders and provide them w th ecce·: ;J honcement techniques. It is a lso on opportun·ty ~o· c eo school students to meet various college personl'1e t. imotely 35 students representing 1 0 d istrict high scl"'o ticipoted in the conference. which was sponsoreo O't Xi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa and Student SeN1ces instructor Ovid Vickers seNed as guest speo>

Tnese stucen s from Morton H1gh School were among a rea h·g scnoo s·udent leaders who attended the first on– nuo Leodersn p Conference held at East Central Community Col ege n Decatur Purpose of the conference Is to rec og– nlze stucer- readers and provide them with leadership en– hcncemen~ techniques It isalso on opportunity for area high school s·ucents to meet various college personnel Approx– mo e y 35 students representing 10 district high schools por- 11C ooted n the conference. which was sponsored by Theta ..\i :::.~apter of Phi Theta Koppe and Student SeNices. English ins-ructor Ovid Vic kers seNed as guest speaker. Pictured from left ore Brandl Gilbert . Wendy McDill, Cassie Horrell and Tonyo Wi iamson (EC photo)

Sea ~en•rc ,..., g"' Scnoo were ::-:::.:tg o·ec "" ~n schoo stucent eooers who attended the • T c~nuo Leodersh p Conferenc e held at East Centra l Community College 1n Decatur. Purpose of the conference is to recognize student leaders and provide them with leader– ship enhancement techn1ques. It is also an opportunity for area high school students to meet various college person– nel. Approximate ly 35 students representing 10 district high school participated in the conference. which was spon– sored by Theta Xi chapter of Ph1 Theta Kappa and Student t'- - .: -- .. r--.- a;......... •--•-·· - • -- " · .: __. \ J -• - ·- -- .... · - _, - - - - - "'

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