WEEK OF 5 -d.-57

ECCC fi nishes third in South to miss playoffs

• Warriors post 28-20 overall mark for third– straight winning season.. By MARTY STAMPE::..:..R:..____ Democrat sports edttor The E:ast Central Communitv Col– lege Warriors won three of their four South Division baseball games last week, including a sweep at Pearl River. but it wasn't enough to get them into the state playoffs. ECCC finished with a 14-10 divi– sion record and a 28-20 ovemll mark. "Taking a lot of things into con– sider

inning. Brooks Bryan had four hits in the doubleheader to lead the ECCC of– fense, while Brandon Gray had three hits including a double. ECCC's r<'cord went to 12·10 111 the South Divisron and 26·20 overall. Southwest \\ent ~o 7·15 in divisiOn action Game 1 ECCC 300 200 0- 5 11 3 Southw• !SI OUO 000 0 - 0 0 0 Game 2 ECCC 010 020 0 - 3 9 3 Southwest 010 300 x- 4 9 1 ECCC 7-4, PEARL RIVER 1-3: The Warnors swept the playof'f·bound Wildcats in Poplar ••le last Thurs· day to complete a four game sweep ol Jim 1\1ghtengale ballclub this year. Jason Wilkins (5-4>tossed a five- 1\itter in the opener. Wilkins won his last four conference starts In the nightcap, Tommy Holland went six innings to improve his record to 4·1. David Cox shut ·off a Wildcat rallv in the bottom of the seventh to earn his tlnrd save. Brandon Grav had three hits in the doubleheader. ECCC finished 14-10 in the South Division and 2!1·20 overall. Pearl River dipped to 15·i in division action

South Division Otvis•on games only (Final standings)

Gulf Coast

18-6 17-7

Pearl A1ver . . . . . . 1 East Central . . . 14-10 4 Hinds . . . . . . . . . . 13-11 5 Jones . 8-16 10 Copiah-Lincoln . 7-17 11 Southwest . . 7-17 11

half of the season." The 28 wins were one fewer than the school record of 29 set in 199'2 and matched in 1993. ECCC 5·3, SOUTHWEST 0·4: Scot– ty Dumas tossed a no-hitter for ECCC in the opener. making thrs the third-straight year in which a War– rior hurler has thrown a no-hitte.: Trampas Amedee had one in 1992 and Chris Vowell no-hit Co-Lin last vear. · Dumas improved to 5·3 as ECCC scored three runs in the top of the first and added two more in the four·th David Cox t6-5l took the I~ in the nightcap as the Bears scored three runs m the bottom of the fourth



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