Hurst joins ECfaculty

Long joins EC Faculty

Dr.Jane Hurst Dr. Jane Hurst of Meridian has been named pediatric nurse instruc– tor for the Associate Degree Nursing Program at East Central Community College, announced Dr. Eddie M Smith, college president. Dr. Hurst previously served as assistablt professor of nursing at the University of Southern Mississippi School of Nursing in Meridian. She is also a fonnec adolescent nurse manager at the Laurel Wood Adoles– cent Unit at the Meridian Regional Hospital. In addition, Dr. Hurst has several years expereince as a staff nurse and office nurse at various hos– pitals and clinics. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau, a nursing honor society and WHO' S WHO IN AMERICAN NURSING.

Ms. Patricia Riley-Long Ms. Patricia Riley-Long of Meri– dian has been named psychiatric nurse instructor for the Associate Degree Nursing Program at East Central Community College, announced Dr. Eddie M Smith, col– legepresident Ms. Riley-Long previously served as mental health therapist at Weems Community Mental Health Center in Meridian. She is also a former assis– tant prof~sor for the ADN Program at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston. A graduate of BOgalusa {Louisia– na) High School, she received a Licensed Practical Nursing certifi– cate from Hobson State Technical Colle?e in Thomasville, AL; an assocJate degree in nursing from Meridian Junior College; a bache– lor's degree in nursing and a mas– ter's degree in psychiatric nursing, both froJ)'l the UniversityofSouthem Mississfppi; and a master's degree in teaching from Mississippi State University. She has a son, Charles Robert Coulter, who lives in Meridian. SCU11 ~vu~~ L ~ ~AES UNION APPEAL

Dr. Hurst is a graduate of Escam– bia High School in Pensacola, Fl..; Pensacola Junior College, where she received an associate degree in nurs– ing; the University of Southern MS, where she received a bachelor's degree in nursing; and theUniversity of AL in Binningham, where she received double master' s degrees in pediatric nursing and development APPEARED disabilities in nursing and a doctorate in comnumity mental health with a CARTHA( minor in nursing education. NESHOBA She was married to the late Dr. NEWTON M.P. Hurst Their children are Dana CLARIONLynn Hurst and Jacquelyn Leigh HurstNewell, both ofMeridian.


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