ECCC commencement scheduled May 13 -
Commencement activities are planned at 8 p.m. Friday. May 13. for 26:) candidates for graduation at East Central Commuruty College in Decatur, announced Dr. Phil Sut– phin. Dean of Instruction. This vear's ceremonv marks the college's 65th commer1cement program, scheduled to be held in Warrior Stadium. Candidates from 1'\cshoba County to receive degrees are Em1ly Chnslina Alford. Garv Brooks Bar– rier. :\1ichael Ra\ Bostick. Rhonda Hill Beamon. Catma R. Clark. Bryant Comby. Allen Lane Cumberland. :\Iartha Joyce Cumberland. Richard Guy Cutrer. Lorna Frazier Dixon. Doris Sharp Ed\\ar<.b. Shelley Snow Evans. Rob– bie LEe Farmer. ;\lona Jill Graham, :\Iarle)- Shea Griffin. Donald :\I Hardin, John Elliot Herrington, Thomas Edmond Holland, Pnscilb Isaac. Christa April Johnson. Juane
Marty Kirkland. Amy Nicole Ladd, Connie Drake Land, Karen Ingram Long. Janie !\Ierita Lovern, Fredr ick Franklin Lyons, Lynda Jean Lyons, Jason Charles Martin, Yancey Kay Mason. P.eiko McBeath, Chnsten Le1gh McLain, D. Annette ~I elton. Eunice ~torgan, Wanda Gail C. Morgan. J oan Alicia Murphy, D1ane Kaye Ntckey, Christopher S. Partridge, Leigh Ann Perdeye, Wen– dy Ann Phillips. Grady Douglas Pierce, Edie Ann Riddle, Norman Douglas Samuel. Oliver Andy Savell, Cedric Danyale Sledge, Janet :\Iichelle Smith, James Craig Stamper, Shea Willis Trapp. Vernon Tubby, J1mmy Lee Vaughn, Stacey :\larie Warren and Lana J ill Willis. all of Philadelphia. Candidates from Kemper County to recei\·e degrees are Sharon Kay Eldridge of DeKalb; and Carl Allen McDonald and K1mberly Ann Reel, both of Preston. \
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