WEEK OF ECCC to offer new nursing program The selection of four in<.tructors
Ms. Gaudin comes to East Cen– tral from Birmingham (Alabama) Care Systems where she served as nurse clinician. Her experience also includes ex– tensive service at various hospitals and health agencies located in New Orleans. She served as nurses' house call– team leader at Medicare Certified Home Health Agency; director of nursing and clinical serVIces at Cu– raflex Infusion Services; !>orne health RN at Pendleton Me:-:1onal Hospital, dtrector of clinical se!"\ices at Ochsner Home Health ~enice"; patient cducahon resource coordi– :lator at Alton O~h .. r-e: icdical Founcat1o:-; ard "taff •u:,e a: 01an:) Ho•y.tu. Ms. Caudm ·sa !taduate of the
nurse at Mississippi Baptist Medi– cal Center and staff/charge nurse at University of Mississippi Medical Center. Dr. House also has extensive service as a nursing program in– structor. She served as a clinical and CPR instructor and late was Medical As– sistant Program director at South– ern Technical College in jackson; assistant professor at Delta State University, instructor at Holmes jumor College; and assistant pro– fe5sor at Mississippi University for Women. Dr. House holds a Ph.D in higher education and a master's degree in maternal infant nursing, both from the University of Missis– sippi. She received a bachelor de– gree in nursing from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. Also joining the nursing program staff is Debbie Vance of Newton who serves as secretary. Ms. Vance was previously employed at Cook Library located on the University of Southern Mississippi campus. She holds a bachelor's degree in liberal a rts from USM, and a secretarial certificate from East Central Com– munity College. She is a graduate of Newton High School. For additional information con– cerning East Central's Associa~e Degree Nursing Program contact Mrs. Nancy Harris, Director, ph 635-2111, ext 240.
for the new Associate Degree Nurs– ing Program being offered at Ea"t Central Community College in De– catur has been announced bv Dr Eddie M. Smith, college pres d~c.nt .. Those chosen to teach m the new academic area of ..tudy arc psycht– atric nurse instructor tr<. Helen Sharp of Meridian, pechatric nurse instructor Mrs. B. Charlonc Forest of Louisville, mechcal/surgical in– structor M<.. Cynth1a M. Gaudin of New Orleans, Lou1s1ana; and 08/GYN instructor Dr 8Jrbara Ann House of Brandon. With the selection of the four in– structors, Ea~t Central 1 nght on schedule" roncemmg plans to offc– the ADN Pros-ram begin ng n the 1994 fall semester• .a rc Dean of ln~truct n Or phin. Dr. Sutphm sa d the co c h • been ""working dil s:ently "'nh area hospitals the past Dr. House O:-e\'lOu•l\' :c-,ided in Los Ange ~ Califo:ma: where she was employed as a res -tc:cd nurse at Queen of Angel<. Hollvwood Presb)lena~ \i~.cJ Center and earlier <:en ed at Spec1ality Care Nurstng Agency She 1 a former permanent part-time rcg1stered Mrc; Sha~ a~ cxtcn"l\ e c:cn,JC\! as a nurse and instructor h.n. ng previously served a$ a supervisor for Laird Home Health and h~ad nurse for Riley Memorial Hosp1_tal. both located in Mcrid 1an. She t" al<.o a former in u·uctor at iatt}i H School of Nursmg m ~tenciian and at Meridian Junior College where she taught for the ADN and LPN . She holds a master's degree tn psychiatric nursing home _fr~m. th~ University of Southern Mtsstsstppl where she also earned her bache· programs. Before JOming the East Central faculty, Mrs. Foster served as a family nurse practitioner for East Mississippi Health Care, Inc., din- ics in Sebastopol and Walnut Grove. She previously served in the same capacity at Choctaw Health Center in Philadelphia where she earlier was as supervisory clinical nurse. Mrs. Foster has a master's de- gree in family nurse practitioning .from the University of Alabama in Birmingham and a bachelor's de- gree in nursing from Mio;sissippi University for Women. In add1tion, lor's degrees in nursing. She r~- ·ved an associate degree tn she holds a master's degree in ~~rfting from Meridian Junior Col· )COTT counseling from Mississippi State lege. uNION University and a bachelor of WINST science . deg~ee from California State UntVers1ty. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD CLARION-LEDGER _____ MERIDlAN STAK
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