basketball champio

o Cubs and l\lJssiss1ppi State ~~-~"'b·!> m·c having little success at their baseball d1amonds this spring Cubbies were 0-10 at Wrigley Field h Sunday. Then again, what else ~ou e.xpccl from a team that ac– Anlhony Young the i':ew York ::\lets? nwhile up in Starkville, Hon Polk's d 1s a meager 15-14 at Dudy Noble setting a school record for home losses m a sroson. State is 28-19 overall, but e1 of those wins have come against non- 01\ l"n I competition. last time State had lost as many as 12 mes at Dudy Noble was in 1975, the year before Polk's arrival. Alarge share of the blame goes to MSU 's defense which has turned in just two er– ror ess games in its first 47 outings. Then aga n the hitting and pitching haven't FJ

been too great • ecce sottba!J regional : The East College softball tea s1x-team slate J tournament last Albany. Itawamba while Jones was s The Ladv Warriors ca four-team Reg10n 23 in Meridian. The Lad) to 1\leridian and !1-5 to J ECCC finished with a - Meridian advances to tiona! tournament m Lake Lady Eagles are 54·10. Ita~ cond and Jones came m th Only four states - M Alabama. Georgia, and Flo compete in the natiOnal slO\\ namenl.

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