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Union addS baseball fie.ld to 1 Laird Park The c1ty of Union wants to improve Laird Park
Fa:;hion Squad during the ECCC Fashion Show to be held at 7:30p.m. Thursday in the Fine Arts Cen· ter. The models include Susan George, Collinsville; Leigh Ann Livingston, Louisville; Leigh Ann Coats, Philadelphia; Breck Fulkerson, Newton; and Celee Brown, Conehatta. The Fashion Show is bemg directed by Alice Pouncey. • A reminder that you only have until March 11 to sign up for the Wetland Reserve Program. The program is designed to protect and restore habitat for migratory birds and other wi ldlife, purify water supplies and absorb food waters. Interested landowners should contact the Newton County ASCS Office in Decatur. The phone number is 635- 2556. • East Central Community College has a staff opening for a Secretary For Business Office. The application deadline is March 18. Call 635-2111 for more information. • Newton Presbyterian Church will have a Mar– riatle Enrichment Seminar March 12 from 6:30 to 8:3v p.m. The cost of material is $20 per couple. • Want to turn back the calendar to the 1950s? Tht n rome to the Newton Depot March 19 for a '50s dal),et~. Doors open at 7:30p.m. Admission is $5. The cve!ll: is sponsored by the Newton Theater Compa– ny,
noon. You can find them at the Neshoba County Courthouse in Philadelphia. • A six-week computer class is being offered this spring at Eas t Central Commu- STAN nity College in TORGERSON
by constructing a new baseball field, resurfacing the tennis courts and building a new concession stand. Union is seeking a matching grant of$12,000 from the Department ofWildlife, F isheries and Parks. Union Chamber ofCommerce Recreation chairman Bill Wade said he is also checking into an addition· al grant from Lions lntcmational. • Speaking of the Chamber of Commerce, their 26th annual meeting haH been !-iclwduled for Murch 25 in the Union High School Cafclt•rin. The Ul-IS .Jazz Band will entertain with mu8ic. Stephen .Kirk· patrick. a professional wildlife/nature photogra– pher, will be the featured entertainment. Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased from nny board member or at the chamber office. • Union High's baseball team ha~ two big games .;;cheduled this week. The Yellowjackcls play New– ton County at home Friday (4 p.m.) and Meridian at .Meridian on Saturday. East Central Community College has a Saturday gnme at home Saturday against Jones. The game starts at 1 p.m. After their game against Union Friday, Newlon County will travel to Clarkdale for a 3 p.m. game Saturday. • U.S. Senator Thad Cochran's mobile office will he in Neshoba County tomorrow from 11 a.m. until
Decatur. The class is called Introduction to Word Perfect. Registration for
Business Editor
this course, de~igned for
hcg-1nntng computer users. will be held at 6:30p.m. on Murch :l4 in lhc.t•ollcge's computer center locat– ed in Cross ll nll. All six classes are lichcduled from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Co$L of the coursH is $35. Serving as instructor is Thomas Fortenberry. the college's computer ana– lyst/programmer. For additional information, call 635-2111, ext. 279. • The Union summer recreation program is look– ing for more ladies and men's softball teams for league play this summer. lfyou can form a team, call Floyd Smith at 774-9547 or Kate Thomas at 774-9586. • The latest in spring fashions will be modeled by members of the East Central Community Collt•g<•
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