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Area stuaents attend ECCC
~-·-·~·* orae,tation Easti Central
D ng oner.tation, vance register for fall classes take required placement tests and learn of the wide variety of academic. social and pen;onal opportunities available on the Decatur campus. Participants are also ll~cated to a complimentary lunch in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria. Additional orientatiOn and registration activities will be held August 7. 19 SCOTT COU:\TY TIMES___ U~IO:\ APPEAL . WINSTON cou;..:'fY JOURt\AL___ MERIDIAN STAR.___ APPEARED It\: CA:KTHAGI?\IAt\.......... ~-· / NESHOBA DE\\OCRAT _;_/__ NE\\10\ RECORD CLARIO!\ - LEDGER UiPAC'i' OF NEWTON COUNTY
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