Jones-Hinds Battle to deter • 1ne By Lee Baker Clarion-Ledger Staff Writer JUNIOR COLLEGES keep their ~o. 1 ranking.
"We've got to keep focused each game and prepare the same as we have all season," Gray said. "These kids work hard and play hard and winning helps make all that work .. n. Jones County vs. Hinds: The South shootoul certainly is special, according to the coaches. "Hinds has its best team since '88 when we won the state champion– ship. The defense awes me, plus the skill people are great and the often– siva line is humongous," said .Jones Countv's Parker Dykes, a Hinds 8!1· sistant for live years before takinf over the Bobcats in 1992. Hinds' Gene Murphy is muLUally fu
Mississippi Delta's No. 1-ranked Trojans clinched the North Divi– ~">ion berth in the stale champion– ship playoffs y,;th last week's 41-13 'it-1ory over East Mississippi. ~ow the South halfofthe Missis– sippijuniorcollegeshowdo\'. n -set
for Nov. 13 in Moorhead at ,Jim Randall Field - remains to be set– tled. TheSouth title is on the line Sat– urday with Jones County, 4-0, at Hinds. 4-1. A Hinds win puts the Eagles against Delta since head-to– head provides t he t iebreaker. MDCC v•. Northeast: Della coac:h James Gray and hili T rojans call on ' ortheast Missis:-;ippi to– night and ret m home No\'. 4 to play Pearl RiH rwlth t nL priority to
o. 1 D Ita screen pass for three touchdowns.'' S tandoff: East Central a nd Southwest Mississippi, the b~ttom teams in the South sland11~gs, played to a 20-20 tie last wee~ smce state juco rules do not prm.: 1(\e for overtime in regular-season_games.. Injuries decimated Kmslow s Bears with only 37 playcn; makmg the trip to Decatur. Seven st.arter::. were out and Kinslow wai:i wtthout an experienced defensive end. Co·Lin rebounds: One coach fi. nally getting som_ethin~ to cheer about b Copiah-Lmcoln s Randall Bradberry, who earlier lost to_ East Central which a week later tell to Coahoma, ending a winles!\ streak elating back to 1985. Co Lin bounced back to beat not onlv Southwest but last week ~earl Ri~er, "hich pre\;ously beat Hmds 30-21. "'Their big guy (Chris Ryan, state ru~: opponent for complimental) . "We are playing a great team !hat·!' on 8 roll. strong in e_very area, but particularly possesst~g a tre– mendou-.. amount of expenence on defen<;e '' Murphy said. Jone-.., v;hich lost its opener :15-33 to Holme-.., ha:-. since reached ~ne goal: the B< b<:ats' seven consecutive win" i,.. a first since 1984. JUCO STANDINGS NORTH DIVISION All 8-0 6·2 5·3 3·5 4·4 4·4 1-7 North 5-0 3·2 3·2 2·2 2·3 2-3 0·5 MISS Delta ltawamba NWMiss NE Miss. EastM,ss Holmes Coahoma SOUTH DIVISION All 7·1 6-2 5·3 2·6 2·6 South Jones Co. 4·0 4· 1 3·2 2·3 2·3 Hinds Pearl River "That Holmes los~ helped us a lot·· o,·ke... said. "We had a lot of ne~· gu) .... _ :-;ix on each side of the ball. But they\·e come togcthe~, be– lieving in each other, close-kmt go– ing towards one common goal. "But credit that Holmes loss to Shaslon Coleman. He heat u s by himself two kickoff returns and a Copiah·Uncoln Gulf Coast East Central 1·6·1 1·6·1 1·3·1 0·4·1 • Southwest M1ss. Last Week's Results ltawamba 31, Northwest M1ss. 20 Holmes 41, Coahoma 0 Miss. Delta 41, East Miss. 13 Hinds 22. Miss. Gulf Coast 13 Copiah·Lincoln 16, Pearl River 13 SWM1ss 20, East Central20 Jones co 34. Northeast M1ss 0 Today's Games Coahoma at ltawamba. 6 p .m Miss Delta at NE Miss , 6:30 p.m NW M1ss. at East Central, 6:30p.m. East MisSISsippi at Holmes. 7 p.m. Saturday's Games Jones County at Hinds, 2 p.m Gulf Coast at Co-Lin, 3:30 p.m. sw Miss at Pearl River. 7 p.m. APPEARED II\: SCOTT COUi\T'i TDIES___ Ui\IO:-\ APPEAL WINST0:'\ COU i\=T""Y -J;rO"'U...-nR~AL. ___ t>!ERIDIA\ STAR ---- - CARTHAGINI:\0: :-.:ESHOBA DF\IO=c.,...IV.....,,l.....--- NEWTOK RECORD ---- CLARIOI\-LEDGER IHPACT OF NEt·JTON COUNTY
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