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Three new instructors have join– ed the faculty at the Philadelphia/Nesboba County Voca~nal~ht)iecrl Centerfor the 1993-94 schoollterm, announced Dr. Eddie M. Smith, president of East Central Community College which operates the facility. New faculty members and their respective programs of study in– clude Nancy W. Melton, allied health , Chr is Stokes, diversified te<:lmology; and Preston Holman, metal trades. Mrs . Melton was previously employedwith the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians where she serv– ed as a staff nurse, outpatient super– vtsor. director of nurses, and case manager/ infection control coor– dmator. She has also been employed as a me health nurse at the Pike Coun– ,., llea\th Department and served as d charge/staff nurse at Mississippi Baptist Medical Center and Univer– Sity of Mississippi Medical Center. In addition, the Philadelphia resi– dent has taught CPR classes, con– ducted in-ser vice training for various hospital depar tments, and served as an HIV/AIDS instructor · for theAmerican Red Cross. She has also taught health and childbirth classes to high school students. Mrs. Melton has developed and implemented health programs from grades K-12 and assisted in writing grants and developing policies and procedures manual. She is a graduate of Philadelphia High School and the University of Mississippi School of Nursing She also attended East Central Com munity College and Mississippi State University. She is married toRick Melton and they have three children : Ike, Ben and Reagan. Stokes, also of Philadelphia, previously taught biology, physical science and consumer chemistry at Neshoba Central High School. He also has teaching experience at Choctaw Central High School and served as a fi eld supervisor and laboratory technician for Choctaw Utilities in Philadelphia. ln addition, Stokes has a working CARTHAGINIAN i\ESHOBA DDto=c R"""' A....,T...-- v/ NEWTO!\ RECORD CLARIO;-... - LEDGER IMPACT OF NEWTON COUNTY
Nancy Melton knowledge of chemistry equipment and computers. He also has training as an electrician and experience in schematics and drafting blueprints. He is a graduate of Philadelphia High School and Livingston Univer– sity. He also attended East Central and Meridian Community College and has completed further studies at Mississippi State University. Stokes is mar ried to former Pamela Renee Kir,k.lan~ and they have an infant scM, 'ltllianl Thomas. Holman. of 1\ ;was previous-
Chris Stokes ly employed as a production machinist at R & L Tools. Inc. in Raleigh. He is also a former preci– sion machining technology instruc– tor at ECCand was associated with Craft Company Enterprises, Inc. in Morton. He was owner/operator of his own machine shop in Mor ton for 18 years. He is a graduate of Mor ton High School and received a machine shop certificate from East Central Junior College. J s:lCIStuznl znevsl2 me W
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Preston Holman
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