KEEK OF .D -/1-CI.;:)

Mel\ m Tingle ol Decatur and Pats} Du 1agin Clark of Louis\ ilk ha'c been named Alumnus and Alumna o f the Year at Ea~t Central Communlt> College in Decatur. The} will be recognized for their u.:compli,hments Satur– day ''hen the college ho~ts their annual Homccommg a ell\ it ICS. I inglc, a Phlladclphta nat1ve, has begun h•~ lourth sea~on

as host of the popular 'Missis– '>ippt Outdoors' program shown on M1ss1ssippi ETV. The wee !of- 1 ly telecast features Tingle and co-host Mara Hartmann a~ the>w venture outdoors captunng on film the ~tate's abundar61 natural resources a nd wildhfeol Before joining ETV in l9al, Tingle had retired followin~t 16 years of ~ervice wit h t tr. r :\fi,s•ss•ppi Departme nt bf W1ldlifc, Fishenes and Pa1 k.s. He~~ aho a former ma nage. of' the ECCC bookstore and stu- • dent center. oqqc ringle 1s married to dw~ She has been a member o f the Alumni As,oc•ation fo r se'"eral ) ears, haVIng held various leadership posittons, including he• current role as Vice– prc~ident. Mrs. Cla rk has also been an acll\e member of 'The Warrior Club', ~erving as both W 1nston County representative and pre,ident of this organiza– tion formed to support the col– lege's athletic programs. In addition, the Philadelphia native is a lso involved in \ anoul> community endeavors. She currently serves as county cha1rman for the Mary Kilpat·


1 (Jd Melvin Tingle former Bell> Sim,<, of DecatWITll ! nil they have three children: Karen CoUms, a reg1smroo nut~ in Jackson; Emily Usr}, a cemficd demal assisunn nc~i.d~ng in Lawrence; and Mingo, a junior at Newton C.otlno ,.!e) 1 i.tgh School. sf 1 lrs. Clark, a former legal assistant with Fair a nd Mw ool t!'\tiOJneys in Louisville, has been an acti"e supporott bf E( CC by ~en mg m \arious alumni organizations.

Pats} Dunagin Clark rick Foundation, an organ- ization that provides scholarships to qualified hrgh school 1.tudent~ planning to al!end M1ssi~sipp1's state-supported community and senior college~. She Ill married to William Clark, regional zone manager (\Vest Coast) for Taylor Machine Works. T hey have a daughter, Lisa Nabers of Lou1sville. Saturda} \\ill feature a full da} ol alumni gatherings a nd other acti\llies A 5K run beginning at 8:00a.m. starts the day, whrch will end\\ ith a reception for alumni, college per-



NESHOBA DEMOCRAT sonnei and students follo\\ing he ECCe \S. Pearl River HY TIMES J\EKT0>-1 RECORD football game at 2:30p.m. __.... r .JAL







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