\\'EEK OF It -1


Jennie McGee McGee selected Student Recruiter. Jennie McGee of Lake has been tapped for membership in the East Central Community CollegeWamor Corps, an organization composed of students who assist in recruiting and serve as hosts and hostesses for vari– Ol.. acti\ L " ('n hl'ld 0 the Decatur campus. McGee is an honor graudate of Lake H1gh Scho. l ~ t • sht> was chosen Miss LHS and served as edi– tor of the school newspaper and liter– acy magazine. She received the accounting award and was captain of the stock market and omniscience teams. She also held leadership posi– tions in several organizations and served as feature twirler for the Hor– net Marching Band. In addition, she was a member of the Scholars' Bowl and Chess teams and participated in the Odyssey of the Mind and Future Problem Solving competitions. She was chosen second alternate 10 the Scou County Young Woman of the Year program. At EastCentral, the freshman bus– irk:.ss admm• -tration m._. • ~ l· bcr ofPhi BetaLambda and the yc:u– book and QmptJ ~ She is also a member ofthe women's softball team. Her parents are Joe and Lynn


CARTHAGINIAN \ESl-.OBA DEMO""C""""R ...... A-r- - .\E\\'TO:i RECORD -,-/--- -~ARIO\ -LEDGER'--~~- :~PA:T OF NEWTON COUNTY



Academic Counselor Dr. Gregg J ----- Jefcoat serves as Warrior Corps COUNTY JOURNAL sponsor. ~ STAR PEAL


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