ECCC HOSTS 'GUEST NIGHT' Area high school students are lllV'ited to attend "Be Our Guest Night" activities scheduled Thurs day. October 2 1. on the Eas t Central Community College campus in Decatur. Students atten Barnett is new I • amor corps ember Kristen Barnett of Decatur has been tapped for membership in the E~t Central Community ~ofl~ge ~ arrior Corps, an orgaruz~tJ~n composed of students who asstst m recruiting and serve as hosts and hostesses for various activities and events held on the Decatur campus. Barnett is a graduate of Newton County High School where she was selected Most Beautiful and served as Homecoming maid her junior year. She was also named Best All Around and Best Dressed. She held membership in the Beta Club and Mu Alpha Theta and served four years as cheerleader. At East Central, the freshman liberal arts major is a member of the football and basketball cheerleading squad~. Her parents are Rusty and Bettye Barnett of Decatur. Academic Counselor Dr. Gregg Jefcoat as :Wanior Corps SpOnl>Or'. APPEARED IN : CARTHAG I NIAN NESHOBA DEMO..,..,.C""'"'RA,...,T..---_- -– NEWTON RECORD CLARION-LEDGER IMPACT OF NEWTON COUNTY SCOTT COUNTY THIES___ UNION APPEAL V WINSTON COUWfY JOURl\AL_ _ _ MERID I AN STAR.___
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