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:u• ._ Athletic Hall of Fame
campus, Watwood at 6-3, 185 pounds, was signed by Coach Pat Wilson as an offensive and defen– sive end. Watwood said he preferred of– fense to defense, and although he dpes not recall exact statisucs, he did remember catching se~eral touchdown passes. He was also on the receiving end of a key touchdown pass that tied Pearl River 7-7 in the state playoff~.
clout/outfielder and guided EC to a 3-2 win against Sunflower Junior College (now Mississ1pp1 Delta Community College) in the state playoff!>. Hi~ opposing pitcher was Ike Pearson, who later had an outstanding major league career with the P hiladelphia Phillies. Watwood continued his athletic career at the Umversity of Southern 1\1ississippi after being awarded scholarships tn football and basketball. He later expenenced a succes~ful teaching and coaching career at Tut– \\ iler City Schools in the Missis~tp pi Delta. He coached the Tutwiler football squad to three stra1ght Class B state champion~hip~. Howe-.er, h1s coachmg career soon came to an abrupt end bccau~c of World War II. When the \\ar began, he accepted a commt~sion in the Army Air Corps. After the Air Force was e~tablished, he became a regular career officer, senmg on ~everal bases in the continental uruted States. One of h1s last assignments before retircmem was at the Pentagon where he served as a member of the Atr Staff He is married to the former Ann Lucas of Stark\ ille and Wa~hington, D.C. and nO\\ live~ in Arlington, Virginia. They have a daughter, Leslie, an arti~t who also resides in Arlington.
er-winner tor During her strumental 1on.J tour- e\\lon Dur– n ~cored 42 That same ounh in the
became a four-~ ear the l~d} Yellow Ja sen1or ~ea~on, she\\ m leading Union toe na.":lent mle over ma: m that contest, Da of Union's 50 po eason Union fimsh _ AA State Tournarr:_ Folio" ing gradua c~mral, ~he marned bo ab auendcd E reured as the ~:o P ant Director. T row n children: Ba nurse m Camden RanJ:,. a commuru ·- South Central & a .;: l~nn Ha}es :auonal-rehabi~ th Cra\\-ford Health and Rehab n ~leridian. The R fou• grandchildren \lr~. Russell h.. pe- ence in the ace er ce business, ac )ea·~ she has own~ Ru~'ell Account I..Inh•n. Col. Louis V. \\'.. sport leuerman on 1936-37 college terr Air Force Colonel. !>tandout athlete in 1 ball and baseball. He came to Ea' Goodwater, Alabam All-State in ba!>ket When he arri,ed
·rom East ton Russell
and recently e', Physical .ave three - · Shock, a
\hssouri; -~engineer n Jackson; I..Inion, a .:onsultant Company n Services
~ !>also have
25 }ears ex– .ng and tax · :he past 13 ·d operated !;)ervice in vod, a three– .935-36 and -etired as an • 1\00d was a ~all, basket-
Watwood He also had an accomplbhcd career in basketball and gu ded Ea~t Central through \\0 u..ce sful basketbaJI campaign . He \\as a firl>t-string performer both )ear:.. A~ .. ,..,ember of the \\ ar{ior baseball•;;...m. \\atwood was a ~tan-
Central from where he "as
;he Decatur
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