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Jones loses - accident

a member ol tbe Reid'~ Cbapcl Church of God. Dickerson ~aid Jone~' family wa' ~ tiII 10 shock. ''The family has taken it e'\tremel\ hard. fhis is a tragic suuation. He (Jone~J had driven up there Friday night to spend ~orne time with famil} and friend,, a d this happened.ยทยท Funeral <,ervice~ for Jones were held Monday. A complete obituar} appear~ on page cighL.

Carthzginian_ _ ____ _

Nesilo::a De:-noc~a: ____

Sec:~ Ccur.:y T1mes_____

New:on Cour.:y .!\p~eal

Spirit of Merten______


!Viericiar. Star_______

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