--~'s Bowen resigns
Smith said. "It's not the usual time of year to make such decisions, but we've had a good bit of interest. '~ll have to see what kind of inquiries we receive." While ECCC is still having In– quiries into the position, one name that has surfaced is that of form.et– East Mississippi Community Col– lege men's basketball coach Davis. He was recently a gra assistant at Mississippi State. - The 1991-92 Warriors incl sophomores Vandy Hopson Mark Stribling, both of whom played at Philadelphia High School. "I believe East Central will blttgl in a person more capable than of handling the job," Bowen said his possible replacement. "The sports ed tor tlv~~·GA:n R - Ea~t Central Com– !l 1 College men's basketball hr.-Jay Bov:en announced his g.nation last week to accept a Ciill-time assistant coaching job a t ~ ....... ~~·..._state University in Atlanta. In Bowen's two vears at ECCC, the Warnors were 30-21. Last season, ECCC went 21-6 a nd finished second to NJ CAA national tournament par– ticipant Gulf Coast in the MJ CA South 1 Jivision regular-season race. The Warriors reached the Region 23 Tournament for the first time in many years, losing to Northeast, 1.29-120. in double overtime. The 20 wins were the first time for ECCC to reach that milestone since 1962. "We came in and helped turn the program around," Bowen said. "Last year, we had one of the better teams in school history. I believe we're leaving the program in ex– cellent shape. There are five good returning players, along with a good recruiting year. I look for them to make a run at the league title this year. "They·re good people on and off the court. I don't think they'll miss a step as far as the direction of the progra n. "We e d a vrod ~al of in– terest' ECCC r\l\~d~ D Eddie APPEARED IN : CARTHAGINIAt\ TRIBU....,i\.... E___ NE SHOBA DEMOCRAT t v NEWTON RECORD CLARI Ot\ - LEDGER ~lORTON SCOTT COU~TY TI~ES U~IO~ APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL MERIDIA:-.J STAR ------- V-,''--'--- - ---
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