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~ ByMARTY STAMPER swsports writer
190-pound small forward from Forest. Youngblood averaged 26 points and 10 rebounds this past season. • Undre Thomas, a 6-foot-1, 175-pound guard from Forest. Thomas averaged 14 points, five rebounds, and six assists as a senior.
transfer fr om Beulah Hubbard High School, averaged 25 points, seven rebounds, and eight assists as a senior. • Daniel Blount, a 6-foot-6, 215-pound forward/cen ter from Sebastopol. Blount averaged 25 points, 10 rebounds, and two as– sists as a senior. • Calvin Patrick, a 5-foot-8, 165-pound point guard from Se– bastopol. Patr ick average~ 18 points, seven rebounds, and e1ght assists asa senior. • Darrell Youngblood.a6-foot-3,
DECATUR -East Central Community College's men's ba– lblball coach Jay Bowen has an– aounccd the signing of eight more players for the '991-92 season. Seven of the eighl are from BCCC's five-county district. The in- • Matthew Riley, a 6-foot, 150-pound point guard from South Leake. Riley averaged 16 points, six rebounds, and four as– sists this pasueason. • C hri s Harris, a 6-foot, six to play hoop late," Bowen added. lL would have to be a district player as the three allotted out-of– staters have already been signed. ECCC's last out-of-state signee is Harold Scott, a 5-foot-10, 160-pound point guard from Bol– ton High School in Memphis. An honorable mention all-stater, Scott averaged 15 points, three re– bounds, and five assists as a senior. 155-pc d point guard from Mor– ton. H .s averaged eight points, four rc.. ounds, and five assists as a scmor. "We got all the district kids we wanted," Bowen sa1d. "I feel like they'll come in and contribute. Hopefully they'll keep the prog– ram on the path we got it on this past year." ECCC went 21-6 this past sea– son for its first 20-win season since 1962. "We've got a spot or two open just in case somebody comes in in and contribute right away. His bigh school program runs about the same system as we do, so I don't think he 'II have any trouble adjusting." · The eight signees join Robert Mikell, a 6-foot-7, 200-pounder from Richmond Hill (Ga.) High School, who inked with ECCC last Wednesday. Mikell averaged 22 points, 15 rebounds, and four assists as a senior. "He's a good point guard ," Bowen also has six freshmen Bowen srud "I thmk he w1ll come returning from the 1990-91 team. APPEARED I\: CARTHAGI\ : . .:...., MORTO\ TRi s··.,...,_...,..._--- NES II OB...\ DE'-\=-C. NE \\ITO.'J RECOR_ CLARIO~ - LEDG~~. ----- SCOTT COU\TY TDIES U\10\ .\PPI::.\L ---- 1\ L\STO\ COU:\TY JOUR\.-U_____ ~IF RID L\:\ ST.-\R 1/
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