Boatman-,;:cnaney chosentopjucos Bowen named top coa-ch rafter directing 21-6 year
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~ast· Mississippi's Curtis Cha– :n,~) and East Central's Jay Bowen !ta\ ~been picked as The Meridian Star.~s area men's junior college basketball player and coach of the ;e-ar.···. EMCC's Chancy, a 6-foot-2 so– phomore, was picked as the top player after averaging 20 points and two assists for the 9-16 Lions. Joining Chaney on the team was EMCC sophomore teammate Leo Robinson (6-6, 205). Robin– son averaged 14 points and eight rebounds. "They were what was right ab– out us," EMCC coachTommy Ed– wards said. "Even when we were playing poorly , they were our rocks." Bowen got East Central to a rare Region 23 Tournament ap– pearance and the school's first
Juco Bask.etbo/1 All-Area Team
20-win season since 1962 as the Warriors went 21-6 and finished second in the MJCA South Divi– sion. The Warriors were the only Mississippi team to beat Gulf Coast, which finished fourth in the NJCAA National Tournament in Hutchinson, Kan. Bowen edged Jones' Marc Dukes who led the Bobcats to a school-best 21-11 record that in– cluded a Region 23 Final Four •tD&.:r::~.t· ..
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STARSTAFFPHOTOtpaula Merrlti burtis Chaney's averaged 20 points ~for the Uons ·-~-
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